Dog Psychology


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
Whenever we give our dog cowhide chews, or pigs ears etc., he whimpers and howls and carries on like he is sad. Just prior to giving them to him he acts normal yet as we give it to him he starts the whimpering and sometimes howling. Does anyone else notice this with their dog? He will chew it, but the whole time he is chewing it he is whimpering and carrying on.

WEIRD :unsure:
The one time I did give my boyfriend's dog a pig ear, she just took it and went by the garden to eat it. I don't give her that anymore since it can be bad for them. I only give her rawhide. She's never done that though.
It may just be his way of expressing happiness and excitement. When my dogs wrestle, the cattle dog makes sounds like Chewbaca....... (he'll also make that sound when he's headbutting my legs trying to get attention). We also had a dog in the shelter I volunteer for, when he was happy, he'd make a sound a little like a soft growl. Took us forever to realize he did that when he was happy. I've also know may a german shepherd to whine like crazy for a tennis ball. Sounded like they were being tortured but no, they were just over excited........
Hmm, it's hard to know without actually witnessing it. Some dogs are just more vocal than others, especially when excited over something. I know my golden Tommy is pretty vocal, and he sometimes grunts, moans, growls, and makes various noises when he is holding a chew toy or something he particularly likes. What breed is your dog? I know huskies are a particularly talkative breed and do a lot of howling/whining type noises in expressing themselves.

If it actually seems like crying, could he have a painful tooth or gum problem that makes him cry when he tries to chew it, that could be frustrating him? You would probably be able to tell if it were painful cries. If it's just general noisiness and he otherwise is chewing contentedly, perhaps he's just being vocal in his excitement over the treat.
He is chewing contented.....seems happy and takes it happily. The whimpering noises are kind of like he is sad though. There is no blood andthe vet says the chewing is good for him.

He is a Jack Russell Terrorist :p

My theory is this : he was born on a farm with horses, cows and sheep. I am wondering if the smell of the chew thingies reminds him of his home/parents/brothers and sisters etc. Is this explanation plausible or don't dogs have the memory and association ability like we do?
I think he's just vocal. Your theory could be right though.
The only time my boyfriend's dog is really vocal is when a siren is heard (i.e. a fire truck, ambulance, but not a cop :blink: ). I thought it was weird at first but I guess maybe she does have a past associated with that noise.
Actually many dogs whine/cry/howl when they hear a siren, it's because to them the siren sounds like howling, and triggers that wolfy instinct in them to howl back in answer. Some dogs howl when people sing or play instruments too :D.

Angry_Platy, I'd really guess that he's just vocalizing his excitement over the treat. I know sometimes when my two are playing, Tasha in particular will make these whining noises that if you didn't know her, you might think she was upset. But since I've had her since she was 8 weeks old, I know it's just her way of vocalizing during play/excitement. :) I really don't think your guy is sad when he does it, I think it's just his unique way of "talking" when he's excited about a treat!
Some dogs get waaay over exited, and shaking their tail it's not enough so they make those type of noises, I've seen some dogs that can even pee all over when they get exited. My dog (which just passed away :-( ) was a very calm dog (not the barking type), and she usually shaked her tail a lot when she was exited and happy about something (like most dogs), but whenever she knew I was going to take her out for a walk, she would start "crying" and whinning out of happiness, she would jump and shake her tail like if I haven't taken her out for months :lol: even if I had taken her out the day before.
my dogs are constantly making a whiing noise they do it when their exited or sad!they often pick up toys and run arounf the room or out a toy on your leg so u play with them.Then dont bark very mucj though

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