Does This Sound Good For Mbuna Tank?


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2013
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I have been researching non-stop the past two days and have become very interested in a mbuna tank.
This is what I would like to put in a 55 gallon tank:
  • 1 pseudotropheus demasoni
  • trio of labidochromis caeruleus
  • trio of pseudotropheus crabro
Based on what I read, this seems a tad understocked, are there any suggestions as to what else I should add?
I have also read conflicting articles and guides about the numbers of males and females, apparently the yellow labs can be housed with more than one male because they aren't aggressive but the demasoni's can only have 1 per tank because they're hyper-aggressive.
Any thoughts about my stocking idea or information that I have taken as true that could be false.
Yeah to me that seems understocked... i keep 15 in my 55G but they are still young, biggest being 3inches.
Your best bet would be to google or wiki mbuna species, you will get pics of all the fish pic what you like most really...
Anyone that says a certain species of cichlid are VERY aggressive i never take full belief in because i have demasoni in my tank and they are the most placid fish in the tank.
Ive seen 55G tanks with 20-30 cichlids in that offer little swimming room but look pretty nice, double to triple maintenance to keep it clean.
Filtration is key with cichlids, even more than some stocking suggestions, your filtration depends on how many you can keep, more than your tank size.
a 300 L tank with a 10x turnover could house 25 cichlids with double maintenance
a 300 L tank with 1x turnover wouldnt even house 5 cichlids easily in my opinion but its personal choice.
I personally turn my tank over 18x an hour with a fluval fx6 and fluval 305 and keep my ammonia and nitrite at 0, my nitrates at 20-40 (tap water high in nitrate)
Probably not what answers you were after BUT all info helps
One word of advice NEVER mix the lakes, if you choose from lake malawi stick with that lake and never differ as fish require different levels and stocking
Ive seen some people mix tangs with mbuna, it works, but its not the best way to keep them in my opinion.
paradiddle said:
Yeah to me that seems understocked... i keep 15 in my 55G but they are still young, biggest being 3inches.
Your best bet would be to google or wiki mbuna species, you will get pics of all the fish pic what you like most really...
Anyone that says a certain species of cichlid are VERY aggressive i never take full belief in because i have demasoni in my tank and they are the most placid fish in the tank.
Ive seen 55G tanks with 20-30 cichlids in that offer little swimming room but look pretty nice, double to triple maintenance to keep it clean.
Filtration is key with cichlids, even more than some stocking suggestions, your filtration depends on how many you can keep, more than your tank size.
a 300 L tank with a 10x turnover could house 25 cichlids with double maintenance
a 300 L tank with 1x turnover wouldnt even house 5 cichlids easily in my opinion but its personal choice.
I personally turn my tank over 18x an hour with a fluval fx6 and fluval 305 and keep my ammonia and nitrite at 0, my nitrates at 20-40 (tap water high in nitrate)
Probably not what answers you were after BUT all info helps
One word of advice NEVER mix the lakes, if you choose from lake malawi stick with that lake and never differ as fish require different levels and stocking
Ive seen some people mix tangs with mbuna, it works, but its not the best way to keep them in my opinion.
Thanks for the detailed answer, I think I most likely will be having 400-500 gallons per hour filtered so I'm not quite at the 25 cichlids with double maintenance. I think I'll aim for 10-15. There sure are alot of species to look through!
Yeah in 55G i think 15 is a nice number, my tank looks bare cus they are young but do take in mind growth of all fish and see them as fully grown before you think about adding more.
My 15 when fully grown will be enough for that tank with my filtration, whilst keeping my 30% weekly change and daily 10min check on algae etc
But saying this, im picking up my new 100G tomorrow so sunday is going to be tank swap day, then over 3 months ill be going from 15 to 30 :)
Also, if you can order your cichlids from specialist breeders do so! all my cichlids so far have come from a LFS which are still pretty amazing really, the store won cichlid runner up in Practical Fish Keeping mag,
but seeing videos from specialist breeders you cant beat their quality!
Acei's should go well with them
and if you like labs I would highly recommend Tumbi reef white labs as well. 
Mbunas are by far my fav fish(aside from my ornate bichir) and I agree that if you are stacking a Mbuna tank..don't worry too much about aggression because they all are and thats just a part of the hobby. 

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