does this sound bad

yeah he is on biogold none of the other ones are like this n i feed them all biogold
You are going to have to add abit for variety of food to there diet, like frozen bloodworms,brimestrimp,daphnia etc.
were returning the tank it doesnt going to get another one bbl
BettasRFriends said:
The filter might be too strong for your betta
Hes right... If your betta has trouble getting to the top with no current... how in the heck is he going to have a better time with a water fall in his face lol...

BTW I wouldn't even put a healthy betta in that thing. Too many flaws.

Just juse a critter keeper, they are longer than they are tall, and about 6 bucks a pop.
critter keepers are too tall i need something short!..i returned the other one since it wasnt safe it wasnt UL tested
Maybe cut back his food to 3 pellets a day, a pea once a week on like Friday, and give him flare sessions every day.

If that tank doesn't work out I suggest a horizontal Beanie Baby box. I have a delta with a very heavy tail, and he likes it much better in the Beanie box because he can swim around all he likes, but he doesn't have far to go to the surface. He's becoming stronger since I've gotten him, so I may upgrade him soon and see if he can handle it.

Also, check his water temp, if it's too cold, perhaps warming it up to 80 degrees will help get him more active.
off topic, but that tank makes me feel like something is wrong. its not the tank, its my lfs. they have 2 cories, 1 zebra danio, lots of plants, and a betta all in that one container. im too scared to tell them anything because they are the people that are like, you dont like it? get out then.
eek..i have to get a small tank thats all i can do for this fish
Dorkhedeos said:
off topic, but that tank makes me feel like something is wrong. its not the tank, its my lfs. they have 2 cories, 1 zebra danio, lots of plants, and a betta all in that one container. im too scared to tell them anything because they are the people that are like, you dont like it? get out then.
Tell them (in a very loud voice so lots of other customers hear) that you won't get out until they have sorted out this animal cruelty.

But yeah, I'd put him on a diet. You could feed him the tetra delica stuff, its bloodworms/brine shrimp etc. in jelly in a sachet, so you just squeeze it in. Although I'd maybe take him out into a largish jar to feed him those, mine ignores most of them and they make the tank filthy.

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