Does Seachem's "prime" Affect The Cycle?


Jul 18, 2005
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Does Seachem's "Prime" affect the cycle?

By that, I mean, it says it detoxifies ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Does it completely neutralise it, or does it make it non toxic, allowing the cycle to still take place?

Many thanks for answers!
Does Seachem's "Prime" affect the cycle?

By that, I mean, it says it detoxifies ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Does it completely neutralise it, or does it make it non toxic, allowing the cycle to still take place?

Many thanks for answers!

Hey Fella, I use all of there products. I use Seachem's prime on my tanks and for me it really does work. I in no way saw it affect the cycle. My cycle still took place. I've used it to detoxify ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. It works really well. Seachem has some of the best products on the market for fish. On the bottle, it says that it converts ammonia to a safe non toxic form that is readily removed by the bio-filter. It can also be used to alleviate ammonia/nitrite toxicity. Prime also detoxifies nitrite and nitrate allowing the bio-filter to more efficiently remove them. So, you have an excellent product in your hands. :D
I also use it. It works fairly well for me... I just hate the smell, my room stinks like it for like half an hour after I use it, its so gross. Smells like rotten eggs -_-
I also use it. It works fairly well for me... I just hate the smell, my room stinks like it for like half an hour after I use it, its so gross. Smells like rotten eggs -_-

Wow I was just wondering the same thing about the prime! Well I guess this answers my question :D

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