Does Nutrafin Cycle Work?

IMO anyone who decides to do a fish in cycle before they even get fish is a downright cruel #$%^^%.
Not saying you will do that though, I know you''ll do the right thing.
Oh and I dont think it works, just a load of crap.

I hope you choose to do the right thing!

I believe your project will work and also im glad your doing it right!

Woah guys, self-righteous condescension overload here. I hope and I don't think that you guys meant to come off so condescendingly here.

In the future, I'd ask that you guys remember that tone and other non-verbal communication doesn't come across well in forum communication. And posts like the ones I quoted above can very easily give the wrong impression. So, please just try to re-read what you write and make sure you are conveying exactly what you want to convey before hitting post.

In particular, I think use of the word 'right' is very loaded here. While I agree that a fishless cycle is easier and safer and those two attributes make it most always a good idea, it isn't a moral issue. Using a word like 'right' implies that there is a morally correct way to do something, or if you don't do a fishless cycle there is something evil, etc. Fish-in cycles can be done safely. There are many different ways of achieving that same goal: a healthy thriving fishtank.

Again, I hope that this isn't what you guys were really trying to convey. Remember, we strive to be the friendliest fish forum around.

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