Does My New Betta Have Fin Rot?


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
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photo (6).JPGHi guys,
I am really new around here, so I hope I have done this right... I read up on the guidelines but I'm in a bit of a rush because I'm worried my new Betta has fin rot!

I'm a beginner with fish keeping, I did have one Betta that I stupidly kept in a new tank and as I was still learning about tank cycling etc he only lasted about 6 weeks before he got what I think was fin rot and it was so upsetting, I never want to see another fish go through that again!!

Since then I bought a bigger tank, 20 litres and have had it cycling with 6 neon tetras and 2 peppered cory catfish. I just bought a new Betta about 4 days ago. Ammonia levels are a little high as the tank is still cycling but all fish seem happy and I've been using Prime and Stability and doing daily water changes to bring the ammonia down. The pet shop people said it would be fine as long as I keep using Prime and Stability until the cycle is complete.

Like I said I've only had my Betta (his name is Sushi) for a few days but I noticed the top part of his tail is a little shorter than the rest - does this look like another case of fin rot?? I didn't notice it when I bought him but that of course doesn't mean it wasn't necessarily like that already... I just don't want to leave it till it's too late like my poor Ninja =(

What do you guys think? Does this look like it's just how he is or is it fin rot already?? I hope the photos are OK, they are not the best quality he is such an active little guy it's hard to get a good shot! Your advice is hugely appreciated!!!
Looks like nipping to me, either that or he is tail biting *common in bettas* the other fish in your tank are too big for a 20l I'm afraid, in my opinion you want just the Betta in there, maybe a few shrimp or a snail
#40##, I was hoping for once I could trust the pet shop people when they said I could have all those fish in there but apparently not!! Thanks for your reply though, will read up a bit about tail biting, fingers crossed it doesn't turn into finrot...
#40##, I was hoping for once I could trust the pet shop people when they said I could have all those fish in there but apparently not!! Thanks for your reply though, will read up a bit about tail biting, fingers crossed it doesn't turn into finrot...

Same happened to me had 6 neons and a betta in a 21 litre tank all died but 1 neon in 3 days did water test after 1 day and the ammonia was off the scale. I ended up buying a 64ltr tank
Hi the same thing i noticed is happening to my poor guy. I have been doing daily water changes hoping this will stop it. How did you betta come out, and what were your methods?

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