Does My Fancy Guppy Have Ichthyophonus?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2012
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I've had a male fancy guppy for a little over a month now. A couple weeks ago I noticed him swimming with shaky movements. Then he started hovering at the back of the tank. He's gotten very emaciated and shows no interest in food.
If it is Ichthyyophonus, would it be best to put him down since there is no cure? Thanks for all your help!
There's no way to tell for sure without microscopic analysis of the host. Are there any outward signs? The parasite often causes inflammation which can be noticed externally as granulomas.

As for putting the fish down that's a hard one. I recently had this discussion with someone else. For me it's better to put it down than to let it suffer but really only you can tell where the fish is in terms of health and if it's the right thing to do in that situation.
Ich is easily identified and known in the UK as white spot because that is the most common symptom. The fish will have white spots on its skin about the size of grains of salt. The disease is easily cured using a salt treatment or any of the malachite green treatments. Since the parasite lives for a few days, even away from its host, the treatment must be continued a few days after the last spot is gone from the last fish. See my signature link to Ich Info.
I thought Ichthyyophonus was an internal parasite. Isn't it Ichthyophthirius multifiliis that is the typical external parasite that causes ich? The former causes ulcers and cysts in the organs. Let me see if I can find a's one...

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