Does My Cory's Need..


Jan 8, 2007
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I have 3 albino corys, they have been with me for about a week now.

Do they need zuchini and other vegies to keep them happy and healthy?

They do eat bloodworms and beef heart, as well as peas, but should they have a bit of zuchini put in at nighT?

feed them blood worm, they like that, they wont touch zuchini most of the time and dont feed them beefheart, its not good for them...
Mine get frozen bloodworms & brine shrimp, along with fresh bbs. I toss in a little flake as well, most anything tasty that hits the bottom will get eaten. Try breaking up some spirulina disks, mine always go for that.
feed them blood worm, they like that, they wont touch zuchini most of the time and dont feed them beefheart, its not good for them...

The beef heart is in a "community meal" that is frozen and I feed to the rest of the fish, so when it drops to the bottom, they eat it too.

But I need to get some spirilunia too.

Also, they love sinking shrimp pellets. When the pellet mushes up, you come back and they are sitting on it eating it.

Thanks guys.

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