Does my betta have popeye?

Hmmmm, I've never heard of a dark green kuhli. Not that they don't exist, just I've never heard of one. I know there are black kuhlis though.

I know it is next to impossible to take photos of fish which hide but if could manage a photo of the loach - and the algae eater - we'll be able to ID them for you.
Hmmmm, I've never heard of a dark green kuhli. Not that they don't exist, just I've never heard of one. I know there are black kuhlis though.

I know it is next to impossible to take photos of fish which hide but if could manage a photo of the loach - and the algae eater - we'll be able to ID them for you.
I did look it up based on what you told me, turns out it’s a black kuhli! It just looks like a dark green to me, probably because it likes to stick to the shadows. Thank you!
She got white rings around both her eyes a few weeks ago so I used melafix for a week. It didn’t seem to change much. They seem to be more prominent now but I honestly can’t tell if it’s her coloring or not.

She also has a weight issue, I don’t think it’s a disease since she’s very active and behaves normally, I’ve just been struggling to help her lose weight for a couple weeks now. Does anyone have advice on these subjects? Thank you!
Just wanted to let you all know I’m taking your advice, I moved the other two fish into a larger tank with fish like them and I’m doing water changes every day. I’ll let you know as soon as my betta is better, thank you all so much!
Just wanted to let you all know I’m taking your advice, I moved the other two fish into a larger tank with fish like them and I’m doing water changes every day. I’ll let you know as soon as my betta is better, thank you all so much!
Make sure that you don't over water change it(yes it's a thing) because if you do, the fish will be shocked by the difference in water, and it can die. So try not to water change it more than once a day.
I would add prime and stability everyday for at least a week to start. Stability will help grow bb faster to get ur tank stable prime removes chlorine and detoxifies ammonia. It does not remove it makes it more comfortable for your fish until your conditions are right. I wouldn’t feed the fish for 3 days at least to minimize fish waste that cause ammonia. If your tank isn’t cycled thats probably your number one problem. If you are doing water changes quite frequently your actually making the cycling process worse for your fish tank. It doesn’t remove ammonia it may for a few hours but it’s not permanent. U need to find the issue and resolve it it could be numerous things. Over feeding, dead fish or snail somewhere or a tank that’s not cycled. The nitrogen process isn’t complete. There are many videos on this on YouTube. Prime and stability for seven days will solve the issue especially if ur tank has been up for awhile. Chances are your beneficial bacteria doesn’t have the bio load for all the fish and snails in your tank. I would add some live plants to ubsorb the fish waste it gets turned into plant food. Java fern, anacharis Anubias are all very easy to care for and I would Get an actual clown loach and the snails will be gone in no time then move him to a bigger tank. Easiest way I personally know of As far as pop eye and possibly fish bladder disease you may or may not have a diseases or multiple in your tank you need to deal with also. Don’t feed for a few days and cut whatever your feeding him in half and medicate the tank until the issue is resolved. It may take longer than you think. When you have been doing water changes have you been using a gravel vac to suck up the crap in your substrate? That could cause ammonia spikes also. Left over fish food and fish waste both cause ammonia. Get some seachem prime and stability and watch some videos on the nitrogen process. If u have high ammonia levels your burning your fish essentially and this could be affecting the eyes on your beta. I don’t know much about bettas so I’m not sure. I don’t know everything about all this just giving my opinion and some options to try to help. I hope I helped a little bit. Good luck and keep us updated.
Sorry I just read all the above comments. You have had your tank setup for a few months and not cycled? Something is not right.. what type and size filter and filter media do you use? Have you been cleaning your filter cartridges? You want to be very careful when doing this and know when to clean/replace them. When you clean you rinse them off in tank water and don’t do too much bc your rinsing off bb. If u use sink water the chlorine kills bb. If I replace one I do one at a time bc I have double sided filters. I wouldn’t recommend cleaning your filter cartridges and a water change in the same day either. Just A few mistakes people were making in another forum recently. If you want I can send you links to this guys Chanel explaining proper cleaning techniques and cycling process and everything you need to know about a tank and how it works. He explains everything 100% and makes it to where anyone could understand. I honestly think you made a mistake somewhere besides overpopulating your tank. If you through all the fish and snails in at the start of setting the tank up this could have been an issue as well. I’ve even seen people clean a filter cartridge out in some tank water and dump that dirty water filled with bb into an uncycled tank to jumpstart the cycling process. I did something similar and used a few filter cartridges from an established tank into a new filter in a new tank I just setup. I also through in a sponge filter from the tank as well. Sponge filters are great for gathering bb.
Sorry I just read all the above comments. You have had your tank setup for a few months and not cycled? Something is not right.. what type and size filter and filter media do you use? Have you been cleaning your filter cartridges? You want to be very careful when doing this and know when to clean/replace them. When you clean you rinse them off in tank water and don’t do too much bc your rinsing off bb. If u use sink water the chlorine kills bb. If I replace one I do one at a time bc I have double sided filters. I wouldn’t recommend cleaning your filter cartridges and a water change in the same day either. Just A few mistakes people were making in another forum recently. If you want I can send you links to this guys Chanel explaining proper cleaning techniques and cycling process and everything you need to know about a tank and how it works. He explains everything 100% and makes it to where anyone could understand. I honestly think you made a mistake somewhere besides overpopulating your tank. If you through all the fish and snails in at the start of setting the tank up this could have been an issue as well. I’ve even seen people clean a filter cartridge out in some tank water and dump that dirty water filled with bb into an uncycled tank to jumpstart the cycling process. I did something similar and used a few filter cartridges from an established tank into a new filter in a new tank I just setup. I also through in a sponge filter from the tank as well. Sponge filters are great for gathering bb. Coul
Sorry I just read all the above comments. You have had your tank setup for a few months and not cycled? Something is not right.. what type and size filter and filter media do you use? Have you been cleaning your filter cartridges? You want to be very careful when doing this and know when to clean/replace them. When you clean you rinse them off in tank water and don’t do too much bc your rinsing off bb. If u use sink water the chlorine kills bb. If I replace one I do one at a time bc I have double sided filters. I wouldn’t recommend cleaning your filter cartridges and a water change in the same day either. Just A few mistakes people were making in another forum recently. If you want I can send you links to this guys Chanel explaining proper cleaning techniques and cycling process and everything you need to know about a tank and how it works. He explains everything 100% and makes it to where anyone could understand. I honestly think you made a mistake somewhere besides overpopulating your tank. If you through all the fish and snails in at the start of setting the tank up this could have been an issue as well. I’ve even seen people clean a filter cartridge out in some tank water and dump that dirty water filled with bb into an uncycled tank to jumpstart the cycling process. I did something similar and used a few filter cartridges from an established tank into a new filter in a new tank I just setup. I also through in a sponge filter from the tank as well. Sponge filters are great for gathering bb.
Thank you for your advice, could you send me the link please? I have trouble processing long paragraphs and I want to make sure I gather all the information needed (no fault to you for your help, it’s just a personal issue I have and I want to make sure I’m as responsible here as I can be)
Thank you for your advice, could you send me the link please? I have trouble processing long paragraphs and I want to make sure I gather all the information needed (no fault to you for your help, it’s just a personal issue I have and I want to make sure I’m as responsible here as I can be)
No problem, if you don’t understand it at first just rewatch as many times as need and or take notes. He also has other video links throughout this video on other subjects. I would watch more of his videos. He has videos covering a lot of topics for new fish owners.
If your fish does have Popeyes you need to do big water changes. he has a video on this too. You can watch anyone’s videos on these subjects. He has a good way of dumming down information for anyone including myself. Keep us posted. Gl
If your fish does have Popeyes you need to do big water changes. he has a video on this too. You can watch anyone’s videos on these subjects. He has a good way of dumming down information for anyone including myself. Keep us posted. Gl
Popeye “ lol
Popeye “ lol
I’ve done water changes and the tank is more balanced out now, ammonia levels normal but she’s looking worse. I’m scared she’s not gonna make it and I don’t know what else to do, I’ve tried different medicines and medicinal baths but she’s still going downhill. Her behavior is still energetic and normal as usual but the bloat is worse and the popeye is worse, and she’s developed a red spot on her side.
I’ve done water changes and the tank is more balanced out now, ammonia levels normal but she’s looking worse. I’m scared she’s not gonna make it and I don’t know what else to do, I’ve tried different medicines and medicinal baths but she’s still going downhill. Her behavior is still energetic and normal as usual but the bloat is worse and the popeye is worse, and she’s developed a red spot on her side.


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If the fish has had the problem for a while and has not responded to treatments, and the problem is getting worse, then euthanise it.
I’ve done water changes and the tank is more balanced out now, ammonia levels normal but she’s looking worse. I’m scared she’s not gonna make it and I don’t know what else to do, I’ve tried different medicines and medicinal baths but she’s still going downhill. Her behavior is still energetic and normal as usual but the bloat is worse and the popeye is worse, and she’s developed a red spot on her side.
I tried a new medication called general cure and she’s looking amazing!! The red spot is dissipated and the swelling went down a lot, her eyes aren’t in great shape still but it looks like she’s improving!! I’m so happy to see her active again, she’s been worrying me the past few days.

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