Does Liquid Cabon Inhibit The Cycling Process?

Do you think TPN+ would likely be a good approach for Dj, Aaron? WD

yes, that, seachem flourish or dry powders.

Anything is good as long as your plants are given all the nutrients required

How would you rate this?


- Dj -

its good, but i would rather buy a 500ml bottle of TPN+ which is £10 cheaper, contains everything that kit does, and last you just as long.

The only advanatage is that yuoc can dose as much or as little as you want with seperate bottles.
Yup, that's the stuff (you can stay in my extra room free if you bring some when you visit the USA, lol)

lol, AE ship to USA for £10.

Why not just make your own?
It is simple to do.
I know, eventually you guys are going to drag my lazy head off the computer and make me actually do something...

I've had another look at TNP+, and if im right it doesnt seem to contain carbon. Would you recommend supplementing TNP+ with Seachem Flourish Excel?

- Dj -
Yes, when you drop by with my bottle of TPN+ I'll give you your bottle of Seachem Flourish Excel, since its avail in USA mostly, lol.

Over there you have the choice of EasyLife EasyCarbo or I believe one of the local places is now bottling its own stuff. All 3 products are the same.

Now you too can have the joy of needing to rinse your fingers every morning after pouring your cap of clean nasty!

Well i am planning a trip to florida in 2011 if your willing that long. Not sure if thats anywhere near you, my geography isnt that good ^_^! They do sell Excel on AE, £10 for 250ml i think.

- Dj -
Well i am planning a trip to florida in 2011 if your willing that long. Not sure if thats anywhere near you, my geography isnt that good ^_^! They do sell Excel on AE, £10 for 250ml i think.

- Dj -
Oh man, you mean you're going to miss the 2010 AGA conference? I might go down to Florida for that one if it works out to be there like they're speculating...

lol, seriously though, I'll have to chk out aarons comments that I could be getting it, the tpn, shipped to me! or figure out the finding of dry stuff and mixing...

Well i am planning a trip to florida in 2011 if your willing that long. Not sure if thats anywhere near you, my geography isnt that good ^_^! They do sell Excel on AE, £10 for 250ml i think.

- Dj -
Oh man, you mean you're going to miss the 2010 AGA conference? I might go down to Florida for that one if it works out to be there like they're speculating...

lol, seriously though, I'll have to chk out aarons comments that I could be getting it, the tpn, shipped to me! or figure out the finding of dry stuff and mixing...


dry powders are avialable from aquarium

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