Does It Bother Anyone Else That The First Letter Of Every Word In The

Nope. But the words that shouldn't be capitalized bother me a bit for some reason. But hey, I point out grammar mistakes on video games. :alien: *is a dork*
I hate it and I don't bother reading those posts. It's nice to be able to pick and choose.

That would be every topic then ;)
Because every topic automatically gets formatted into a "Cappital Letter For Each Word" apart from things like "to" and "of" etc.

I actually think it looks very neat and much easier to read. Purely because many people type in purely caps (to draw attention to a thread - so this function prevents that) and some people type in lower case only.

When you glance at the main board, it's much neater with every First Letter Capitalized :nod:
It only bothers me when I see an acronym that should be all capital letters and instead only the first letter is. For example: "MTS snail problem" becomes "Mts Snail Problem" or "RTBS emergency" becomes "Rtbs Emergency".
Yep I agree Wendy. But I don't think it can differentiate ?
Yes, I agree, I can see that it wouldn't know how to differentiate for the acronyms... but why bother altering the titles at all? We rely on people supplying the content and title of their threads. Unless someone loves capitalizing, there is no need to change the titles.
It doesn't bother me that the titles do that automatically. In fact, I hadn't even noticed until you said that.

What DOES bother me is that there is one person on this betta board who types that way for their whole posts which bothers me to no end!!!

Yes, I agree, I can see that it wouldn't know how to differentiate for the acronyms... but why bother altering the titles at all? We rely on people supplying the content and title of their threads. Unless someone loves capitalizing, there is no need to change the titles.
:lol: and therein lies the flaw (relying on people). I don't think you've seen this forum without that function - we've had some many CAPS happy people here many a time :S
I don't like it personally. An example is when an animal or plant species is the main thread title. It should always read first word upper-case, second lower-case i.e. "Echinodorus tenellus" not "Echinodorus Tenellus".

I understand why it is there though, "TO STOP PEOPLE DOING THIS!" as we already know.

If one wishes to capatilise initials i.e. MTS then one can always add spaces i.e. "M T S". Not great but better than "Mts".
I actually think it looks very neat and much easier to read. Purely because many people type in purely caps (to draw attention to a thread - so this function prevents that) and some people type in lower case only.

When you glance at the main board, it's much neater with every First Letter Capitalized

I concur!

and therein lies the flaw (relying on people). I don't think you've seen this forum without that function - we've had some many CAPS happy people here many a time


I hate it and I don't bother reading those posts. It's nice to be able to pick and choose.

That would be every topic then ;)
Because every topic automatically gets formatted into a "Cappital Letter For Each Word" apart from things like "to" and "of" etc.

I actually think it looks very neat and much easier to read. Purely because many people type in purely caps (to draw attention to a thread - so this function prevents that) and some people type in lower case only.

When you glance at the main board, it's much neater with every First Letter Capitalized :nod:

Oh, I misunderstood the thread. I thought we were talking about when people type like that in their posts. Oops- Sorry :*) I actually like that formatting for topic titles. I'll keep quiet now.


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