Does Anyone Know Of Any Larger Inverts?


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Hey, I'm going to be setting up a 55 gallon planted oddball tank soon, and I was wondering if there is a species of large shrimp or lobster that could be kept with either Marbled Sand Goby, Senegal Bichir, Black Ghost Knifefish, Reedfish, and possibly Luciocephalus pulcher?

I've recently gotten hooked on shrimp, and I really wanted something like a large species of shrimp that can be kept with those fish, or maybe a lobster of some kind.

And input would be nice!
Possibly the larger species of fan shrimps, however they require rather specialist feeding and a mature tank with enough food to support them. However I don't think any shrimp would be safe from the marbled sand goby - wouldn't they get too big for a 55?

The BGK might be OK with the larger fan shrimp (giant african filter shrimp) as their mouths are only small and they are inactive/passive, the others might be too boisterous for the peaceful shrimp and stress it too much.

Other larger inverts could be 'blue lobsters' however these really arn't suited to mixed aquariums with fish in my opinion. Either the lobster gets eaten/bulled most likely after shedding or the lobster snacks on the fish when they are resting - might take a while to happen but I wouldn't risk it.

The Marbled Sand Goby will be fine (I have him now, growing out in my 30), but they grow slowly, so by the time he gets too big, I'll be able to get a 125 gallon and he'll be in there.

Thanks, I'll think some more before I do get any invert (if I do).

I would avoid the fan shrimp and go with something a bit bigger and nippier, of course anything big enough to not be eaten has the potential to eat the fish...

Look around for larger Macrobrachium species :good:.

BGK have pretty big mouths! And are active at night around the same time as fan I would avoid fan shrimp.
IMO a fan shrimp aka flower, bamboo, singapore shrimp would be ok for your other fish. i have 1 that grew huge about 4 inches long and hes with a blood parrot and anglefish...sure he gets nipped at when the parrots moody but just as often i see him being left alone in the open. provide dense plants (fake or real) that he can climb onto and hide, also he will reach the filter intake this way and feeding wont be so hard. in reality ive never fed mine and one time found him inside one of my filters.

theyre like little walking filters for your tank

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