Does anyone have Bettas I could consider to BUY??


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2005
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Well first time attempting and at everywhere else I have to be a member or something.Just post
I don't think it matters whether or not she likes veiltails. Some people just like to have more than JUST veiltails. Variety is a good thing.
mrplaty said:
dont you like veiltails???
If someone wants a VT, they can just run to Wal-Mart or the LFS and get one for $3-4. That's why if you want to be able to breed and sell bettas, it's best to stick with the 'purebred' types. It's like with dogs, most people wouldn't pay much for a mutt when they could so easily get one at the local pound, but will go to great lengths to get a good purebred. Hope this helps answer your question here, as well as in other threads... though it seems it has been explained quite a bit already :p.

Good luck in your search SMSBrunetteGirl :).

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