Does Anyone Handle Their Plecos Like This?

wow, what a gorgeous looking plec, i think its alive, does it not give any explanation as to what he's doing with it?
It won't harm them unless your deliberately trying to :X When moving my plecos I catch them with my hands, to much fuss with nets...Alll the splashing of water and then you get fins stuck in the net :lol:
The plec is alive, look at it's colour, raised fins and composure (if you see what I mean?)..Plus its still wet so unless its been whacked or stabbed I doubt its dead :/
...Looks like those boxes in the background might be used for transporting fish, they all have water in them...Maybe the guy was happy with his find.

'Tis one great plec
holding plecs like this is not an uncommon way of displaying them, typically to demonstrate the true size and coloring of a fish for sale. :)
anyone know what kind it is? i got it googling "bulldog pleco" to get a pic for someone and i know that is no bulldog pleco
i've seen such handling before. i guess its normal to showcase plecos. they are after all quite hardy
Yes it's L25, Scarlet Pseudacanthicus. I have one.

That's the way many people to hold them, once you have them in that position that seem to calm down and relax and it's a good way to get pictures.

btw, the plec is alive.

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