Does anyone feed their catfish this?


Oct 4, 2003
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if so, how many pellets do you drop? it seems that whenever i feed them that, only 1 or 2 pellets, most of it is left on the bottom and i don't even see my cories eating it. i'm thinking of switching foods
Weird! My cories LOVE those pellets! :nod: In fact, all the fish in my 10 gallon love them - I drop in a few almost everyday and it's a feeding frenzy. The two albino cories in my 2.5 love them too... :dunno:
All of my fish love those shrimp pellets, well, my snails, shrimps and crayfish too. It does add some PO4 to the water, so I don't give it every day.
my fish wont eat them at all. i bought them for a dragon fish that escaped the tank and i kept feeding it to see if anyone else in the tank iked them but havent had much luck. the dragon fish ate them pretty good though
Hi aquarius :)

I'm very surprised to read the negative responses on this thread. All my corys love them. I go through a can of them in nothing flat! :nod:

I have noticed that there is some residue left in the gravel when I vacuum it though. :dunno:
i decided to try again and my fish went crazy for it this time. even cories came put of their caves right away when i dropped the pellet in. and my snail likes it too. so i guess i'll stick to them after all. :D althought some bits do fall in between the gravel so i'll have to vacuum more often
Break them up into podwer with my hands so top dwelling fish can get to it. My bettas love them, and so do my gouramis, danios, and tetras :p

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