Does Anyone Else Have This Problem With Thier Heater?


Apr 6, 2009
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Hi guys

When my heaters thermostat comes on and off it makes a loud noise.

My boyfriends doesn't, is this something i need to worry about?

Anyone else had this?

Cheers x
i think it might be wise to invest in a new heater just incase :rolleyes:
what make of heater is it as it shudnt really make any noise at all
ring the manufacturer or email they might say send it back and send you another one it sounds like it shorting out somewhere (which is not good my central heating thermostat does that lol) or just buy a new one like forby3 says or do both lol
Thanks for the replies :)

It's an Interpet one, 50w

Think I might go back to pets at home where I got it, see what they say?
Don't think I do still have the reciept :huh: I'll try anyway :)

The temperature is staying a steady 30c, I'm still cycling the tank so luckily no fishies in there :fish:
You don't think because i have the heater vertical it would make a difference? :unsure:
as long as it is not out of water it should be fine it maybe condensation in the thermostat at the top try drying it out on a radiater for a day and then try it again see what happens
It does sound like the bimetal strip is sticking slightly and releasing last minute so I really think you need to contact the manufacturer or go back to the shop. They should be ok as long as you are polite :good:
The best heaters in my opinion are Visitherm. I've always used them and they're very accurtate and last many years.

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