Does Anyone Else Break Glass Diffusers?


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I just broke my second glass diffuser. =___= I broke the first one removing the tubing so I could clean it, then I got a different style of diffuser so that wouldn't happen. So I was cleaning it and replacing the yeast mixture and I suction'd the diffuser to the side of my counter and just smashed it on accident.

Gawd, I feel so stupid. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's done this. ;____; And my plants were starting to look pretty good, too...
I've done it a few times. I also have my two large eels that have broken one before. I get all mine off ebay. A few dollars for a tiny one for my smaller tanks. $5-10 for diffusers for my 55gal. I usually order a few of each, when I place an order.

Done it twice now any only had CO2 going for a few months :X . I now have hose attached permenantly and just remove the whole thing with the hose attached.

One of the ones I broke, I was just moving it around as well so dont feel to silly. :D

That only makes sense though, its glass and its under a decent amount of pressure when under water. Especially ceramic diffusers that are put low in the tank, and have gas pushing out at the walls..the constant pressure difference will cause any sudden changes to break the glass.

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