Does anybody here own Diamond Tetras?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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I'm a newbie and came into 1 guppy and 1 Diamond tetra this last weekend. My tank is 10 gall. (40 lt) Friends from this board and ppl at my LFS suggested to get more tetras since they don't like to be alone. So I got two more and thay seemed to cheer him up at first, but now I-ve noticed that tetra #3 is picking on the other two. Since I'm a total beginner and have no idea about fish behaviour I was wondering if Diamond Tetra tend to be agressive or if he's only plaing with them, or calling for attention, or wants to mate or if he's plainly harrasing them! (especially tetra #2). :huh: The guy at LFS said they're not agressive but very easygoing, but after watching these guys I'm not that sure. -_-
Diamond Tetras, like most Characins, prefer to be in groups, ideally 5-6 fish, but with a tank that small, you'll run out of space very quickly. When groups of tetras are introduced, there is always a period of adjustment where the new guys and the established fish check each other out and establish a heirachy. Usually this pecking and chasing subsides after a day or so, and is quite normal. Rarely does any real damage get done, but keep an eye on them.

I'm assuming that the tank you've acquired is cycled and had the fish already with it.
All right! Thanks a lot for the reply! I must say I feel a little relieved. :D "pecking and chasing" that's exactly what's going on here.

And Yes! My tank is cycled! I just finished a fishless cycle last Sunday. I know tetras like to be in a group but my tanks to small to get 6 or more of these guys. If you're wondering "why did you get these tetras in the first place then", the answer is that my niece gave me the guppy and tetra #1 as a "surprise present" since she knew I was setting up my first tank. A very nice gesture but she didn't know any better. I wasn't really planning on Diamond tetras, but now that I have them I'd like to learn about them and keep'em happy. As you can see I'm completly new at this and open to any good advice you guys may have! ;)
I own Diamond Tetra's and they are beautufil fish. I have a group of 8 right now and they are doing fine. With Tetra's, you need at least 5-6 (8-10 is best..just like Lateral Line posted), or they will be aggressive towards each other.

I will be adding 2 more soon. I can't wait to see all 10 swimming around :D
Hi guys. It's me again. I'm a little concerned here since tetra #3 has been picking on tetra #1 (the old one) for two days in a row. I mean hes non-stop chasing him. He tries to hide between the plants and the powerhead but #3 is pretty relentless.So far no damage done, but I'm not sure if this is stressing #1 (it sure's stresing me, though! :D ) I'm not sure if they are females or young males. None of them has long fins. Any comment would help.
Thanks in advance

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