Do You Want A African Giant Land Snail


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2005
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if you want a african giant land snail there a snail rescue
the rescue is full !!!!! & unapply to take new snails
so lots & lots of snails needing homes
snail rescue

800 snails needing homes if you can help see site !!!
thankyou for posting this i have send my form off & should get one form the rescue soon
can not walt for it to arrival :wub: :wub:
thanks again :)
OMG I can't believe there is a snail rescue centre!

I have wanted these forever, and I finally bought some babies off ebay who are so damn small, I am the only one that can find them to feed them. I have a 3ft tank waiting for snails, and snails so tiny I wouldn't see them for 5 years if I put them in there.

My son has one at daycare and he loves it to bits but our ones are so teeny I wouldn't dare let him hold one.

How cute is that pic of yours?


How much is your rehoming charge and what sized snails do you have awaiting rehoming please?
i do not own the the snail rescue

im just trying to get people intersted in the rescue coz she is full & needs help
Here is a sheet you fill in if you want one
there is no charge for the snails they are free but if you dont live near the snail rescue she will send them to you but you pay £5 for p&p you can give a dontion if you want but you do not have to
she has 800 snails so i would think she would have the size you want you can email her at

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