Do You Think You Will Get A Betta(s) For X-mass?

I'm hoping for a 29 gallon tank but I doubt it will come with inhabitants. At least I hope it doesn't. Knowing my BF he'd buy some horribly aggressive little shark type fish to terrorize my swordtails.
I asked for a hood for my 5g. I knew I wasn't going to get it, so I bought it for myself. If, by some miracle of fate, I do get the hood... uh... good excuse for a new 5g? :shifty:

And a good excuse to get a new fish :D
One of the gifts I am giving my girlfriend this Christmass is 8 Skunk Corydora's.
Man that's given me an idea might go out and buy one now!, None of my fish below will pic on him will they?
Erm man dont buy a betta for that tank. The tetras will probs go after him AND! the betta will go after the guppies! :sad:

If my mom got me a betta I would be like, "What do you want and why? :sly: " I'll probably end up getting some gift certificates for a lfs or two from relatives though.

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