Do You Think There A Difference In Male And Female Fishkeepers.


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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I do think males seem to know more about equipment and seem to go more for aggressive fish.
Yeah, the ladies in general are gorgeous :wub: whereas the blokes are geeks :p

Guys tend to go for the unusual/rare/agressive/oddball fish in my experience while the girls tend to go for the cute or pretty fish like goldfish, guppys, mollys, platys, bettas etc. But the again, i know plenty of guys who love guppys and bettas and plenty of girls who much prefer predatory catfish and oddball fish like puffers and arrowanas etc.
I guess i have a pretty varied fish stocking, not many rare or unusual fish, but i base my stocking more on acheiving a peaceful community tank set up focusing mostly on small fish like guppys and platys with a few large centre peice fish like common and sailfin plecos- actually i'm a really big fan of plecos and livebearers. Love those predatory catfish too with the whiskers/feelers/barbels but don't have the space for any.
I know way more guys though who are really into those expensive/complex planted tanks than girls though, you know the ones with all the CO2 and expensive lighting and stuff etc- i love planted tanks, but can't really be bothered to make a really decent planted tank- i stick the plant in, and if it grows then thats good enough for me :) .
yeah i think us boys like the more aggresive fish but i have had a nice community but now am getting cichlids
I remember when I first started fish keeping didn't know how to attach a gang valve without my hubby.
I do tend to agree with tokis that females prefer pretty fish compared to odd looking fish.
i think guys are more interested in the maintenance side of keeping an aquarium too. I don't mean women are lazy doing water changes, i mean guys are more enthusiastic over all the different types of filtration methods and gadgets. I know i love getting a new filter and wondering whether i should move from just cannisters to a sump, or try out fluidised sand beds and see what the hype is all about :D
I can only comment on my bf and me... seems as though he wants all of the aggressive fish while I on the other hand want to keep our tanks as peaceful as possible :p
I agree with the males wanting planted tanks and the females not caring about it. Also with the gadgets and things aswell. My gf likes the bigger predatory catfish i like more peaceful fish bu do like bettas, cichlids aswell
LoL I must be the odd ball, I love all the gadgets and working out whether they're worth getting and then how to put them together and use them. I also do all the maintenance and I love it, I get a real buzz out of giving the tanks a good clean and changing the water etc, it always looks so much nicer when it's done.

What I don't have, but my husband does, is any design sense, he tells me where and how to put things so that the tank looks better and more balanced, I suck big time at that!

I'd love to have more and better plants but I can't afford the lighting etc.

I definately go for fish that look good (to me) and I prefer peaceful that way I can have more. But I also have to take what my husband and kids like into consideration too, even though the tank is mine and I do all the work. But I have fallen in love with Krib's, and much to my horror, they're nowhere near as peaceful as the research I did lead me to believe.
Well I LOVE oddball fish, just wish I hadn't kept my blue gourami and gotten 3 more, maybe then I could of had something a little weirder looking. I love catfish but seeing as most grow massive I'll have to stick with corys, which I really love. I'm really getting into plants as well, just got to raise the cash to do it properly, all I have at the mo is a load of plants in my tank and some cheap fert.

I too am interested in all the gadgets, I took the filters apart in my 2 smaller tanks just to have a look, I even read up about equipment I'm not likley to use for a while, such as RO units & skimmers(for when I eventually do a SW tank) then I have alot of the info ready for when I decide to go for it. The whole plants thing gets me confused though so that's gonna take more reading.

I also do all the maintenance, tank design, pick the fish etc, although my husband picked the bichirs I have, he totally fell in love with them and I had other plans for the big tank but as soon as I got them I realised how fantastic they are. He hasn't got a clue about what to do, I explain things to him but he's not really interested, I've had to leave him instructions on how to feed the fish / when to turn the lights on and off but most days he either forgets or doesn't have time(I'm in court doing jury service). He does understand how much I like it and always keeps an eye out for PFK magazine when he's in town as they don't sell it anywhere around here apart from wh smith in town & doesn't moan when I'm spending anything between £5 - £40 a week on fish stuff.

So to conclude in this house it's me(the woman) who loves the fish / looks after them, I prefer oddball fish / predatory fish but I do have a soft spot for corys(I don't really like my gouramis or goldfish but I'll look after them all the same), I'm interested in plants & equipment and tbh I find neons / guppys etc very very boring. I just wish I'd made better choices with the fish I got and then maybe all but 1 of my tanks would be oddball!
I love all the gadgets in the tanks, and do prefer oddballs, though I'm also partial to goldfish. But I cant say my set up is pretty, being unable to afford glass tanks I got impatient and ahve a few glass tanks and all the other fish are living in storage tubs with messy looking DIY Filters, tis all great fun tho


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