Do you think I should say something?

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
:sad: At my friend's house, they have a tropical tank. It is about a foot long, and roughly 6" high, so it's not that big. They have 1 peppered cory, 1 ram, 1 cherry barb, 1 bleeding heart tetra, 4 cardinal tetras, 2 long-finned leopard danios, and a scissortip tetra (I think that's what they're called :dunno: ). Anyway, they hardly ever switch the light on, I don't know about the filters but sometimes the heater isn't on either because the temperature strip on the front of the tank is down to like 22 degrees, and all the time I spend round there and I never see the fish get fed. (I suppose it doesn't mean that they never get fed, all I'm saying is that I spend ALOT of time round there, and I have never seen them get fed) Also all the decorations are covered in a muck, the front of the glass is dirty, and I think the cherry barb, the ram, and the cardinals have whitespot.
Should I say something to them? About the treatment of whitespot, the fact the most of their fish should be kept in groups, about water changes, the heater, light etc?.... :blink:
Yes defintely!

You're right about alot of the fish in there being happier when in groups but also they have some very active fish in there that need to be in larger tanks so that they have enough swimming space.

I certainly wouldnt be surprised if they've got whitespot as they're likely to be very stressed.

I have guessed that the tank is 1'x6"x6" which only makes it a 2 gallon tank :blink: i'm surprised there's any room for them to move in there!!!

Most definately waaaaaaaaaay overstocked. I'd recommend scrapping the lot and getting a betta but only if they are prepared to feed and do the maintenance etc.

Good luck!
I would just query (sp?) into it mate, find out through other question rather than striking out the point you are trying to make and you could probably advise them in area's and tell them it would look very good, because the thing that bring fishkeepers joy is when a person come into their house and goes "Oh a fishtank" and goes to look at it

I do it when i go around my bestmates house, i given his mum who is the fish keeper several of my fish and i love to look at the clash of colors sh has, plus she has a huge tank with some very impressive fish, and if there was something wrong, like when i saw a fish with Dropsy and another with whitespot, i point them out to her and offer some treatment, because she dont tender to the tank herself, she just feeds them, and cleans them, she has Rob, (A mate of both me and her from the local fish branch) who sorts out the rest like water changes and that, but i tend to point out problems from experience and tend to try and help out and she ask me question from now to then about things now
say somehting and offer to help them or if they dont want the tank offer to take it :p
germanshepherdlver said:
say somehting and offer to help them or if they dont want the tank offer to take it :p
Took the words right out of my mouth !!!!! Maybe they have just lost intrest but don't know what to do. They are a living thing and the flush method would be cruel.(not to say they aren't being cruel now they just don't get it) Maybe you could do the old its me not you thing.
you could say something like
" I just read this book /article about fish being kept in a tank with no light on and the effects of the fish. I noticed your light off a lot I was wondering If I could take a look and see if the things the book/article was saying was right. "
Then say my god they were right your fish have ..... etc
Play it by ear but may be you can offer to help or maybe even score yourself a new hospital tank.
Let us know.
It seems that you need to give her a demonstration on proper fish keeping! Maybe give her links to site and forums, like this one, so that she will be able to see what she is doping wrong, etc.

And If she doesnt listen, steal the fish. The tank seems to small for them anyways, and get them a nice big tank and properly stock it for them.
:lol: Stealing the fish would be a laugh! They'd come home one day and see me clambering out of the window with their fish tank!
But thanx wrs! :)
Say something. What harm can it do? Maybe drop a few hints to start with, like 'that tanks a bit dirty' or 'how bigs that tank?' just to gauge their reaction.
Bring them over and go on about your tank, and overstocking and water changes, and all the things you do to keep it healthy.

See if they get the subtle hint.

If not, point them towards the forum and make suggestions on what they can do to improve their tank.
Be harsh, dont skirt around the issue, tell it how it is, tell them they aren't looking after the fish properly and that if they dont want them then you will happily give them a hope where they WILL be loved. Explain in no uncertain terms how bad you think the situation is.

If you go about it all "nice nice" then they are unlikely to learn from their mistakes.


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