I mentioned my Ph.D. to indicate that I had some experience at analysing evidence rather than any particular expert knowledge in fishkeeping.
Big mistake though. When someone 'mentions' their qualification in the context of others challenging their statement it gives the impression of belittling those without the 'little piece of paper'
At the end of the day the majority of us aren't educated to that level. Indeed many of us will also believe that the 'piece of paper' means nothing as being able to say you can do something doesn't mean you can do it. Experience in a controlled environment versus the hands on experience of real life situations is a huge difference in any field. By 'mentioning' it in the context of a disagreement you rub the majority up the wrong way. It gives the impression that we have to listen to you because you are the clever one. Bad mistake especially on the forums.
What I am suggesting is that SOME species, in some circumstances, are sensitive to these levels of nitrates in the long term.
A fair statement. Very good. I would suggest that you can look at this both ways!!! Are there SOME SPECIES that do better in HIGHER nitrates?
So a hundred hobbyists telling me that their own fish are very happy in 40ppm nitrate thank you very much, will not affect my thoughts or opinions. That hearsay evidence does not affect the hypothesis that some fish are sensitive to the nitrates.
hypothesis - You trust a Hypothesis over people's experience? I can make any Hypothesis I want. I regularly do BUT I don't believe it as gospel. I research others findings. Listen to all (including hobbyists) and then make my own opinions. I DO NOT ever then say to others that this is right because hypothesis is what it is. Hypothesis however well thought out and researched is simply put an unproven belief!!!
There were a few hobbyists telling you about their own fish. I and OldMan are not saying trust the hobbyists and ignore the scientists. I am talking about breeders. I think really your written word is pretty poor in relation to its tone. Maybe you should've taken a PhD in English Language so that you can write things without rubbing people up the wrong way and belittiling them. Firstly you are Mr PhD and therefore cleverer than those without. Now you are the scientist who is better than the hobbyist.
I know I rub people up the same way and am rubbish with my tone but then as you are well awware, I am not as clever as you nor am I as educated and therefore I am sure you would expect it from an idiot like myself. (I mean that in a jovial tone)
There is a hierarchy of evidence for everything. I am sure you can make anything you want look true if you research far enough. Science moves on and on. Myth doesn't. It lingers around and hinders. Then up comes the same old research that was done again because someone else heard the myth and the myth gains weight and relevance again. I am not saying this is myth at all but there are so many hobbyists and 'experts' alike that are afraid of nutrients in the water and barrel on along the path of righteousness without ever listening to anyone ney sayers.
Credibility is a huge problem. Someone who has produced lots of good work may seem credible and therefore you respect the next piece more than others? However that new work may be flawed. The old work may be proven wrong. Research does not mean give 10 points to the credible source and 1 point to the non credible. It is often the whisper from the unknown that makes the breakthrough not the multi million pound research contract that takes years and delivers little!!!
Research is very important but you have to give equal weight to all aspects and then rule out by equal measure the bad points. this is something that has to be done by all of us on the internet because with so many of us 'uneducated' now able to voice our opinions and thoughts there is a huge amount of myth available.
You guys love the word 'peer reviewed' but it means nothing. Its a pat on the back from the mates. I have my thoughts and understanding all over the web. My peers review it. They say this guy knows what he is saying. Does that make me 'peer reviewd'? Does it mean I am right? I would say yes it means I am peer reviewed but of course it doesn't mean I am right. I could say pigs do fly and put it on the net. Other people read it and guess what. yippee Its now 'peer reviewed' and therefore you can now all believe.
'prestigious journals. - lol Take everything on equal merit. Doesn't mean something is more credible because it is in a more 'prestigious' journal. The same news is in the Daily Star that is in the Times. Its just written in a different way. Both sotries are the same though. Do you trust the Times over the Sun? No you buy the times because you prefer the type of articles in there and the way they write the articles.
I personally think the Telegraph is better
Although the pictures are better in the Sport
The 'hierarchy' of evidence' doesn't make some things more credible than others. Just means someone more qualified produces evidence so believe him and not the man on the street who has the practical experience.
At the bottom of the heap is the type of comment by the bloke next door who just has an opinion about something.
Oh deary me. You must love living in your Mansion looking out at the peasants going about their day. Maybe its time for your butler to do a water change for you?
You really do have a 'them and us' conflict going on here.
Yes I admit the man in the street (thats me
) may be opinionated. Maybe even biggoted. Many times doesn't know the full story or doesn't understand the full story but that doesn't mean that his language and grammer and opinions aren't a crude form of the actual reality. Yes he has an opinion about something. Do you not?
BTW, sorry for any apparent rudeness. I can be rather opinionated and tactless at times.
Lol I must get into the habit of reading posts before just quoting and answering. However as you have read above I was right
Hamfist - At the end of the day this isn't a war. If you have found a solution to your problems albeit from the actual change or via a by product or by a side effect I am happy for you. That sorts out your worries but please don't strat to throw 'peer review' and 'scientific journal' out as evidence or fact. At best they are 'the latest understanding' and as we all know from just watching the news this 'latest understanding' changes by the week and more often than not swings back and forth like a pantomime phrase 'Oh yes it si, Oh no it isn't'
Yes put the article on here for people to read. Tell them your opinion of it but leave it there. I am guilty sometimes of the same thing in that I can take something and put it up as proof of my beliefs but at the end of the day I don't know if it is fact or not. The scientists don't either. At best they can try and support the belief but if it were as easy as proof then we would start to run out of science? Another ticked of the list, no need to test it anymore becuase it isn't science now. It is fact.
At the end of the day I am unemployed. I live in a 2 bed council house on the supposed 'worst street' on the supposed 'worst estate' in the whole of my city. I left school at 16 and went straight into work. Does that make my opinion less credible than someone living in a nice street in a nice area with a good education? Of course not. Just means that I may not be able to understand some things as well nor articulate those that I do in as good a way.
Enjoy your fish and enjoy their health.