Do You Rescape With Fish In Or Out?

Couldn't help but giggle about you getting bit, as its happened to me. I had a psycho red zebra, and I was trying to catch it to take it back to the LFS (it killed one of my other fish) and the darn thing bit me! I still have a scar!

I never expected them to actually be game enough to bite me. Usually they move out the way and stay out the way. But this big guy just came zooming up and attacked me! Although, I probably should have expected it from him, he is the dominant one in the tank. I used to have 2 red zebras, and the female was a real cow. haha. I took her back as well :)
i thought about getting storage boxs for water changes. just now i use a mix tap and a thermometer to try match the tank temperature but im always a tad worried that it changes while im filling it, so i end up staring at it for 30 mins. i thought i could get 2 100 litre boxs and fill them the night before, dechlorinate each box and pop a filter in each one and then get some sort of pump to empty them into the tank.
thanks for the advise i will move the fish if a rescape.

Malawi's love the slightly cooler temp mate, always get's mine breeding everytime without fail, So honestly don't worry about that. I remove most of my fish if i do a rescape, malawi's are pretty fast and know to get out of the way.
i would love to get mine to breed. my tank runs about 25, what temp is yours at
cheers, james
I've done a rescape on every water change (so far 3) and I still can't get the thing looking right. Rescaping again this weekend.

Just leave my fish in and they just get out the way, I have 27 fish but my tank is smaller than yours James, so really you should be able to do it. They just move out the way.

I have been bitten twice now, first a male saulosi then by a female saulosi. Not nice, actually scared to put my hand in there now. lol
I've done a rescape on every water change (so far 3) and I still can't get the thing looking right. Rescaping again this weekend.

Just leave my fish in and they just get out the way, I have 27 fish but my tank is smaller than yours James, so really you should be able to do it. They just move out the way.

I have been bitten twice now, first a male saulosi then by a female saulosi. Not nice, actually scared to put my hand in there now. lol
maybe your fish were miss labelled they are actualy pirahas lol
i thought about getting storage boxs for water changes. just now i use a mix tap and a thermometer to try match the tank temperature but im always a tad worried that it changes while im filling it, so i end up staring at it for 30 mins. i thought i could get 2 100 litre boxs and fill them the night before, dechlorinate each box and pop a filter in each one and then get some sort of pump to empty them into the tank.
thanks for the advise i will move the fish if a rescape.

Malawi's love the slightly cooler temp mate, always get's mine breeding everytime without fail, So honestly don't worry about that. I remove most of my fish if i do a rescape, malawi's are pretty fast and know to get out of the way.
i would love to get mine to breed. my tank runs about 25, what temp is yours at
cheers, james

Give it time mate, you haven't had them long so they will take a few month's to get them settled and use to their new home. My Temp's are betweein 26'c to 28'c and when i do water changes the temp drops to 23 to 25'c and they absolutely love it, sends them in a breeding frenzy lol

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