Do you people dream of fishtanks?


Fish Addict
May 5, 2004
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Tampa, FL
I mean literally. Last night i dreamt for the 2nd time that i discovered a 2nd running fishtank that i had apparently forgotten! (Yeh right lol) I looked inside and apparently i had neglected this dreamtank and some of the fish had died, but must have spawned first... there was a little school of juvie panda cories and they were omg so cute... and there was a deformed guppy with a purple tail, i felt really bad for it, and i've never kept guppies irl before. The tank was really tall and empty, with hardly any fish in it at all, and i had no idea how long it had been since the water was changed. I started making a schedule for doing small water changes daily for a couple weeks to try to normalize the water. :blink:

I think i was dreaming about this because i've been doing small water changes every other day since i got my fish to keep water conditions optimal while they get used to the tank and i had planned to do one last night. But i was feeling lazy and when i tested the water i had ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0 or unmeasureable, and a ph of 7.0. I decided it didn't really need a water change and went to bed and his this weird dream of a forgotten tank. It was very odd.
Yes, I dreamt I had some new kind of fish in my 10 gallon. It was orange, and there were lots of them, the tank was very overstocked in my dream. I was kind of dissapointed when I woke up and found out I didn't really have the fish.
Have had the same dream from time to time where i am in the tank sleeping and a male betta is looking in with a net in his fin saying i dont think he looks too good perhaps we should flush him :lol:

Perhaps counselling would help :rofl:
luxum said:
I mean literally. Last night i dreamt for the 2nd time that i discovered a 2nd running fishtank that i had apparently forgotten! (Yeh right lol) I looked inside and apparently i had neglected this dreamtank and some of the fish had died, but must have spawned first... there was a little school of juvie panda cories and they were omg so cute... and there was a deformed guppy with a purple tail, i felt really bad for it, and i've never kept guppies irl before. The tank was really tall and empty, with hardly any fish in it at all, and i had no idea how long it had been since the water was changed. I started making a schedule for doing small water changes daily for a couple weeks to try to normalize the water. :blink:

I think i was dreaming about this because i've been doing small water changes every other day since i got my fish to keep water conditions optimal while they get used to the tank and i had planned to do one last night. But i was feeling lazy and when i tested the water i had ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0 or unmeasureable, and a ph of 7.0. I decided it didn't really need a water change and went to bed and his this weird dream of a forgotten tank. It was very odd.
wow, that is the strangest just described the dreams I have about fish. I continuously have dreams that I have fish tanks I forget about and when I discover them again all the fish are starved and the water is dirty and theres fry everywhere. I think it may have to do with us worrying about our fish so much, that we dream about it LOL :lol:
The last dream I had about fish was I went and bought a new fish at the lfs and they told me if was a mollie, but when I got it home I realized it was a pirahna (ya right!) and it started having babies all by itself and they attacked all my other fish. the strangest things our minds come up with :rofl:
yes i dream about tanks at night :D i had one were i walked into my room and i saw FW fishes swimming around in my SW tanl :blink: so i looked around and saw this amazing FW aquarium on my desk with a tube leading into my SW tank. had the dream twice, hope to have it again :nod:
My most recent one is that I go to this clothing store that has a VIP fish room hidden in the back that is filled with the most amazing fish! They are all shapes and sizes, many of them aren't even fish I've ever seen and they all cost $5/ea. Problem is you don't get to pick which fish you want, you just tell the guy how many and he sends you out of the room while he catches them. Everytime I've had this dream he's given me marine fish and I have no where to put them :( But I go home and put them in with my discus anyway :dunno:

I have lots of dreams that my tank's glass breaks :crazy:

I have dreams about the forum too, it's bad when you dream about posting all night :S :look:
WOW I thought I was the only one! :lol:

I always have dreams that i discover a new fish tank in my house that i have completely forgotten about and all the fish are either dead or dying because I forgot to feed them. and the water is all green and icky!

I just thought I was strange! :alien: thanks for making me feel better than i am not the only strange one out there that worries constantly about their fish!

I have had 1 where my mum got me a new tank and it looked pretty big on the box, but was actually about 4cm long and was made of the same stuff as a fish baggie, there were lots of fish in it, the only one i remembered was a giant danio. As the dream went on some of the fish went down the toilet, alive and I could only scoop out a few.
I had one of those dreams aboutt two weeks ago I had a dream that one of my walls in my room was a giant aquarium. They were all the fish from my 12 gallon except they were all giant. There were even some I had previously that died. At the end of the dream I found out the tank was overcrowded. Then the fish started to eat each other, and I then I was awake. Now that I think of it that was a really strange ending. :lol:
I had another a long time ago when I kept a lot of bettas. I kept finding new bettas around my house that I forgot about and had not been feed for months. But they were still alive. Thats all I can remember of that dream.
:rofl: This is just the kind of topic I needed today. The scary part is iv had dreams about forgeting tanks too. One time when my tank was cycling with a pleco in it, I had a dream that I was in the tank, and the pleco was floating above smoking a cig. He was blowing smoke in my face and saying how do you like the air little fishy? That was when i decided that if I have to cycle again I wanna go fishless. It was a very traumatic dream.
I have. Sometimes they are tanks that I actually have and sometimes they are tanks that I want to have...which sucks, because then I want to spend a ton of money to get the tank of my dreams! lol! :p I love fishy dreams. :wub:
Sorrell said:
I have lots of dreams that my tank's glass breaks :crazy:

I have dreams about the forum too, it's bad when you dream about posting all night :S :look:
Those are called nightmares :p
i never dream about fishtanks. i usually dream about getting shot in the chest. i get all dizzy and weak and tired and the second before my eyes close and i die i wake up.
funny thing i had a weird dream a few days ago.i had a dream that my mom bought soo many 10 gallon tanks and she put all kinds of fish in there.i saw one tank all loaches and my mom told me that she had a 100g tank waiting for thiem it was cycling.a mother who never ever kept fish in her life would know.then i woke up to my very horny hungry first i thought one of them gave birth because the male was all over her then he went over to the other one and went over on her.i looked all over and saw no babies.

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