Do You Have A Pic Of Your Very First Betta?

Do you have a pic of your very first betta? If so post it and tell what size tank it was in, was there any other tank mates, and is it still alive? Also don't forget to tell how long have you had it?

This is my boy Dargo. Just got him on the weekend
My first betta, estimated to be around four years old.




"Body Shot."


"How dare you take my picture!"
Do you have a pic of your very first betta? If so post it and tell what size tank it was in, was there any other tank mates, and is it still alive? Also don't forget to tell how long have you had it?

This is my boy Dargo. Just got him on the weekend
There is no pic try again by clicking the image link above when you post a reply (it has a small pic of a tree and post the link in the box that appears when you click on it. Or if for example is hosting your pic you can just post the link. ;)
I got my first betta slightly over a year ago. Sadly he passed around the 1 year mark (last month).

Here's Korkie:

Do you have a pic of your very first betta? If so post it and tell what size tank it was in, was there any other tank mates, and is it still alive? Also don't forget to tell how long have you had it?

This is my boy Dargo. Just got him on the weekend
I did not realise that this got posted! was having trouble with loading a pic. I've only had him for a week but he is doing well in his 22l tank (think about 5G) No tank mates yet, but want to get some snails and maybe a few sucking cat fish if they are compatable.
Abax83 no sucking fish aren't compatible and they would get to big for the tank and will become aggressive.

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