Do You Have A Pic Of Your Very First Betta?


Sep 3, 2005
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Do you have a pic of your very first betta? If so post it and tell what size tank it was in, was there any other tank mates, and is it still alive? Also don't forget to tell how long have you had it?

Yes, i still have it.
My first little betta was a sweet little red VT I named Dante. I had him about a year before he died. He started out in a 2.5 gal castle, but he never seemed happy in it. Then I moved him down to a more shallow one gallon. He perked up for a time. It wasn't until I put him in the 1/2 gallon that he really seemed happy. He'd swim about, build bubblenests, flare. Crazy little guy. He started the obsession. :wub:


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This is Niiro. he is my first betta, i only just got him on thursday.

he lives in a 5 gallon on his own and has already built a bubble nest and has been working on it for 2 days now.
This is Sharkbait, my very first and most beloved betta. He is about 2 1/2 - 3 years old now. I've had him for 2 years and I'm guessing he was a little bit of an older guy from how big he was. I started him off in a 1g Aquaview, then moved him to a 1 1/2g, now he is in a 2.5g since he has "earned his keep!" He loves the 2.5g though, for an old man he sure does blow one helluva bubble nest! :lol: At least I know he is happy in his little betta world, even if he despises the camera.


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I don't have a picture of my first betta sadly, though he was a cambodian with multi color fins, VT and I had him for 1 1/2 years.
my fist betta was a vt blue multi color named fishy he lived for a little over 4 years then he died don't know how he died either no picture
I dont have a picture of my first betta, he was a dark red VT. I got him around 9ish years ago from my best friend for my b-day, he came in one of those little bowls but I moved him up to one of those hex betta tanks. I know now that it was still too small but he lived more then 4 years
Don't have a pic of my first betta since I've had one for as long as I can remember, but Loki, Raziel, Mikhael, and Serafino in my sig were some of my first when I initially became really interested in them. That's back when I was trying to keep my total number of bettas under 10 (over 20 now, not counting fry and juvies,) only had one real tank (meaning a tank that contains more than a single betta,) and before I joined the forum. I actually joined so I could see if anyone had ever seen a fish with frighteningly long pectoral fins like Serafino has :lol:. All this was almost two years ago apparently, as I joined March '04.
I don't have a pic of my first betta because that was way back in the day when I was like 8 years old. But this is a pic of my first betta in a long time. :)

My first betta was Poseidon a multi-colored vt whom changed colors like a marble. He lived in a 20 gallon he lived alone accept for about the last week he was alive he lived with a few otos. My cat (feline not oto) was able to tear his fins early on but it didn't seem to bother him though, he lived for 7 months before a sudden and rapid rinrot/ fungus killed him.


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