Do You Feel Squeemish.....

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
I have so many "common" snails in my tanks, that I often just feel compelled to crush those sitting high & thus providing a good meal (IMO) to my fish...... Do you feel bad doing this???.... (I have sleepness nights, but will do it again tomorrow)!!!!
I have so many "common" snails in my tanks, that I often just feel compelled to crush those sitting high & thus providing a good meal (IMO) to my fish...... Do you feel bad doing this???.... (I have sleepness nights, but will do it again tomorrow)!!!!
no i dont mind doing it, you could put them in a bag and mush them with a brick
you evil man

have vision's of you " i crush your head :X

Nelly!!!.... & I hope that gives you sleepness nights.....(just visualizing me with a crushed head)... But.... Should I really feel bad?.....
If I have excess snail I collect them all up and chuck them in to my other tank for the loaches and catfish.

I wouldn't crush them unless I actually needed to.
yes mate you should feel dam right awful......I think you should get a bugle and play the last post out side to honour the pest's........

no why should you feel awful?your feeding you fish end off
Bleh, I could never do that. I don't mind snails at all though so no reason for me to. I actually save snails when I do water changes. If I see one clinging to the bucket after I dump the water, I'll take it back in and put it back in to the tank heh.
Now that's not saying I'm not going to scoop out the bajillion trumpet snails we have in another tank in to the 125 for our eventual clown loaches though :D
Bleh, I could never do that. I don't mind snails at all though so no reason for me to. I actually save snails when I do water changes. If I see one clinging to the bucket after I dump the water, I'll take it back in and put it back in to the tank heh.
Now that's not saying I'm not going to scoop out the bajillion trumpet snails we have in another tank in to the 125 for our eventual clown loaches though :D

I find those trumpets "uncrushable" anyhows.... The have such tough shells!!!... Thank goodness, I have only one tank invaded by them, & I intend to keep it that way.
Have to say I am the sort who respects all walks of life in my opinion the snail has got as much right to be their as the fish! However haven't yet had an outbreak that wasn't down to me overfeeding or what not.
I crush, poison, and pick out and flush them, but they still keep coming on......... :S

I have brill snail disposal units, 4 turtles they do the crushing for me lol

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