Do You Feel Guilty?

Do you feel guilty when using RO Water?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Don't think about it

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Siamese Fighter05

Fish Herder
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
I was just wondering what you think when you use Ro water which on average wastes 4 gallons of tap water to make 1 gallon pure water (My Unit seems to waste more :/ )

With the drought warnings and the government considering forcing people to use water meters it makes me feel a little guilty as a single water change seems to take at least about 3 baths of water and that's on a 16 gallon tank!

What do you think about it?
We don't have the same water troubles here in this part of the states, but I would suggest not bathing. :D
I was just wondering what you think when you use Ro water which on average wastes 4 gallons of tap water to make 1 gallon pure water (My Unit seems to waste more :/ )

With the drought warnings and the government considering forcing people to use water meters it makes me feel a little guilty as a single water change seems to take at least about 3 baths of water and that's on a 16 gallon tank!

What do you think about it?

Not guilty so much but REALLY don't like the idea of stand pipes.

And my girlfriend gives me a regular ear bashing about it. :S
Surely you can use the water left over from RO for other things? Could you water plants with the water for instance?
I don't feel the least bit guilty, I paid for it after all. And not only do I pay to get it, I pay to put it down the sewer as well. I also have to pay sewage fees on the water I put in the tank that never even sees the sewer.

However sometime I do feel frugal and use the waste water for other purposes.
With the single largest resevoir system of fresh water on the planet 10 miles away I'm not worried :lol:

And wait a minute, you guys dont have water meters in the UK? Thats wierd. Not that water's expensive around me ($4 per 4 months usually) but thats just wierd that we have so much and still have meters while you guys dont...
It is a big deal here. Water restrictions are almost all year round now. We have restrictions on watering our gardens, dual flush toilets are required to be installed in every house, The government gives a rebate on water tanks, which are soon to be manditory in all new homes aswell etc etc....oh, and no washing your car with the hose, only via buckets. The local governments are building catchment areas to re-charge aquafers...the list goes on.

We even have "water police", who you call and dob in your neighbour who you dont like for using a hose on his car, or watering his garden at the wrong time.... :shifty:

I catch the waste, and put it on the garden! How hard is that? Even if you live by "the largest FW resevoir" your still wasting a truckload of water.
I catch the waste, and put it on the garden! How hard is that? Even if you live by "the largest FW resevoir" your still wasting a truckload of water.

True, but when the waste goes down the drain it goes back into the water table it finds its way back into the lake eventually :*)
The difference is.. your not doing it to wash your car, your doing it to keep things alive.. whats worse, dead fish or a few gallons.

Living in scotland, we have no shortage of the wet stuff, but I do keep my waste water in the summer months for the garden, the car or throwing over some random kids that P**s me off :lol:
an atom is a atom and can be nothing else, so it will all get round the cycle in the end, good or bad water is still gonna end up back in the sea at some point. :p

when I get water in the shed - I intend to use the 'waste' from our RO for the tanks that dont needed it.

Our water isnt bad round here and my RO unit uses 7:1 so the 'waste' isnt that bad really and is fine for other tanks.

I'm talking freshwater here though...

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