Do You Eat Fish?


New Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Sydney Australia
Not your own of course...I was just wondering? For me I have never been a big fish eater, but since I got my pet fish a few weeks back I feel even less like eating it. Silly really I think...? :huh:
Yes- and so do my fish (though theirs comes mainly as part of the flakes). Don't feel my doing it is worse than their doing it. Plus I spent part of my childhood in a fishing community where there wasn't much choice. I still go fishing too. Have no problem with seeing myself as part of the food chain. Though I would balk at eating my guppies.
mmm I love fish - most fish (to eat). Yummy scrummy !

Not freshwater river fish though - tastes like mud :sick: yuk.
I eat lots of fish, in fact it probably makes up the majority of my protein intake. Although I mo longer eat cod after I found a big live cod worm in a fillet at the supermarket, put me right off.

I remember seeing a program in the Uk once where a woman was holding a dinner party for her friends and she served up some type of large cichlid that had been living in her fish tank for years.
I eat fish, my favourite easily being smoked salmon, its like.. the best thing I have ever tasted.. :p Anway.. I also like cod. :)
I have never liked eating fish, hate the taste. As for tuna :sick: I occasionally eat fish on holiday but I would never eat catfish because I really like them (to keep as pets). :) I had Baramundi in Australia and that was quite nice.
I love fish - My dad was a fishermen, and before we had "troubles", we had a cabin with tons of fish. We did then traditional thing of catching fish, and eating them for dinner.
It was odd seeing him filaye(sp?) them.
Of course, I was so young, all i ever cought were sunnies.... :dunno:
I love fish. Clams too.
We eat fish 2-3 a week. Of course I would have trouble eating any kind of fish I cared for. Like I couldn't raise a perch and then eat it :sick: I would have troubles if we lived on a farm.

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