do you do your own

do you do your research by yourself or the help of your LFS

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  • At LFS

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I wasn't sure how to answer, so I didn't vote, but I will explain what I do.

I may be a little more obsessive about this than most, but I am always looking for info on fish that I have and fish that I would like to have. As I read posts on this site, I take note of the info the poster has given, maybe do a google search for more information. If I find something I like, I either print off a copy of the info or save it to my "favorites" section. I probably have close to 25 different web-sites and forums that I keep handy in my favorites, and I use them all. I also subscribe to three different aquarium magazines which I catalog and store (not just the magazines...the articles, front to back, I keep track of in a three-ring binder. Makes looking for a specific article much quicker). I also have a small library of aquarium books that I have accumulated over the years. As for LFS employees, there are only a few of them that I bother with questions. Most "info" type stuff I find on my own, I ask them for personal experience type-info.

:blink: Yeah...the wife may be right. There just might be something wrong with me......................hopefully! :rofl:
umm i was just wondering if most ppl did different research, not a ESSAY

but thnx for advice

oh it is ok next time i make a poll i will make a "other" cat.
WHat I like to do is read aquarium books and fish magizanes also when I research.
I make it up and then argue it furiously until someone proves me wrong, and then I say that that's what I've been trying to say all along.
At home in my books, on the 'net, and at the library.

I never ask an LFS. some don't know, some don't care and the rest will lie to get a sale... or all three. (IME)
SirMinion said:
At home in my books, on the 'net, and at the library.

I never ask an LFS. some don't know, some don't care and the rest will lie to get a sale... or all three. (IME)
I think that goes without saying, and it's such a pity that many of us new into the hobby rely on what those people say sometimes. Selling fish that are too big for your tanks is one of the most common mistakes I see happening, that and no real knowledge of the fish they're selling. Not all lfs's are like this, but a good majority I should think, from my own experience and from what I've read on TTF. They should have a sign in all fish stores requiring you to join TTF so that you can make sure the advice you're getting is correct. :D
I nearly voted 'fish are kool' but voted 'internet' instead although I do a lot of research in the library and reading fish magazenes and books I bought.
I use TFF- Where else? You get so may different (and mainly crap) things on the net, it's nice to ask people who know stuff and arn't trying to sell you something. Usually, anyway :p
Mostly internet. I do have a very good lfs though and they've only steered me wrong once, but that was based on their experience with the fish, not trying to make a buck (they took the fish back for store credit with no problem). So, I rely on my lfs too.

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