Do You Do This?


Sep 3, 2005
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Do you cremate your bettas or other small fish by for example having a container on the ground and holding a lighter under the fish and let the ashes fall into the container or something like that? :look: :p
I bury mine too.
Hopefully when there dead.
It so other new members no that flushing a live fish is not exceptable, just to make it clearer.
I wonder if that would be actually useful? I know that fish parts are often incorporated in fertilizers for plants. But I am wondering what form would the fish have to be in to utilize their benefits? Do they burn the fish then fertilize plants, or do they just process them another way? It would be a whole "circle of life" approach to the hobby (play Lion King Music). I know I use tank mulm and tank water from water changes to fertilize my plants, but I don't think, unless you had a whole load of dead fish, which would raise some questions, it would be efficient to use any dead fish this way. (end Lion King music and add a Homer "Doh!"). I guess I wouldn't mind seeing fish that died and I have enjoyed, have a better end than just the trash heap.
I've yet to have a betta die so I guess I'm lucky... we used to flush the goldfish, but I don't know if I could do that to a betta, I'm more emotionally attached to them. :wub:

Apparently ashes are pretty healthy for plants- sort of like how forests grow back healthier after a fire (or something.) Don't quote me on that, though, I just go by word-of-mouth info.
I've cremated my favourite fish(dwarf gourami) and he was my first tropical fish and lived for 6yrs and I had a real bond with him and I keep his ashes next to my bed
Thats kinda creepy. Do your parents know you did this? :crazy: :blink:
Hmhmh, I don't think its worth getting too attached to a fish, because when I have, the fish died. :sad:
So I figure as long as I can enjoy them, and not get too attached the better.
Thats another reason why so few of my fish have names, it makes them seem more personal to you, thus you get attched.
Actually, flushing any fish, dead or alive is bad. It contaminates the water.

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