Do You Agree With Glofish?

What do you think?

  • Yes i love them!

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • No i hate them!

    Votes: 24 48.0%
  • I don't know what a glofish is?

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • No strong opinion...

    Votes: 11 22.0%

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Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
Just thought it would be interesting to see what everyone thought. Cruel? Awesome? Genius? Slippery Slope? Playing God?
Personally I think that they're awful!
Nope, absolutely hate them. I think they look tacky as well!
Anything that is unnatural is just cruel IMO.
While I don't think it's cruel, I do think it's unnecessary
Voted. I don't know what they are. But checked online and think they don't look like fish. More like something from the gadget shop. Don't know enough to have an Opinion on it being 'gods work' or how cruel it is. Not awesome as I said dosent look like an aquarium set up. As for being genius, There is no scientifically precise definition of genius. But it is smart and shows human innovation.
i love them. i think they are very neat and i like the the effect of the aquariums you can make for them...i dont like the glo fish brand however as they have crappy set ups. i also think patenting living beings is a slippery slope..apparently they can sue you for breeding and redistributing the glo fish.
Absolutely hate them!! Attracts people who don't know a thing about where to start looking after mums with 2 year old kids wanting them because they are a nice colour to keep the kids entertained!!
Not half as bad as tattooed fish tho.. Who wants a fish with a love heart or LOL on the side!?
I wish that humans were not so selfish a as to have to mutate and warp a fish for their own grotesque financial benefits.
Thankfully they're banned in Australia. :D
GMO's not so's dyed fish that have terrible lives.

As far as they look...they go in the same category as the bright pink castle and gravel.  If you're into it, you go for it.  I personally won't.
The glofish wasn't made for the aquarium hobby, it just happened that someone got the idea afterwards. Commonly known as the zebra fish the zebra danio is a model vertebrate for scientific research. The florescent proteins are used extensively with them in many many many different ways. Linking these proteins to the skin does create a very noticeable change in color, originally used for pollution monitoring around nuclear plants I believe. I don't have the slightest issue with them. I'm a keeper of wild-type fish, so its not something I would keep unless some happened to be given to me. There is nothing ethically or genetically wrong with them. Their genetics are closer to their wild counter parts then any color morph fish out there, angels, livebearers, ect. They are more genetically sound then a lot of other fish in this hobby. They also put pressure on exports of dyed/injected fish from overseas. I agree patenting a living organism is a bit of a slippy slope, but they were doing it with crops long ago. We will have to see where it takes us.
^ A good point, and well educated response.  Many, many, many fish are GM in the hobby.  Also, how does everyone feel about their wild caught fish shipped from S. America and SE Asia?  That's also of at least some moral consequence.
Anything that is unnatural is just cruel IMO
You ever kept a dog? Cat? Platy? Molly? Guppy? Betta splendens? None of these animals are natural (in the sense of what you'd buy at a pet shop).

GermanblueR said it perfectly.

Are they my cup of tea? No. To be quite frank the words hideous and abomination spring to mind. Could be worse though; tattooing and tail docking for example.
I don't like them simply because I like natural-looking fish.

Angelfish for example, I don't really like the colour morphs, I prefer those that are more wild looking.
The same goes with rams, I love GBRs, but I don't really like electric blue or golden morphs.

I do have a soft spot for discus, though, and I know I am being a bit of a hypocrite on this, but I like the selected varieties too, but that is the only exception.
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