Do They Eat Plants?

Thomas 2507

Feb 11, 2008
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Will fish such as Guppies, Mollies, Platies, Swordtails, Tetras and Corydoras eat plants?
I had a whole tribe of platys at one time and they ate up plants like little piggies. Dunno about the others... but I bet most of them do to some extent. Clown Loaches are also very rough on plants. I bought this really nice huge plant and they mangled it by eating off the tender stems to the leaves which then turned the leaves loose in the tank floating all over. One big mess. I love them but no more of those plants for them. :shout:
My Platies love munching on a small amount of Wisteria. They do not eat my Amazon Swords or Java Ferns.

The fish do get vegetable flake and vegetables in their diet, to discourage Wisteria munching. I've tried talking to my platies about this issue, but for some reason they ignore me and munch away. My Panda Cories and Celebes Rainbows do not eat my plants. The Celebes Rainbows eat vegetables, but I have not seen them eating plants. I don't think Cories eat plants, but I've only had fish for 3 weeks.

I don't know about Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, or Tetra's.

It might depend on the type of plant, and whether the fish likes the taste.

270 litre tank (71 US Gallons)
- 5 Platies
- 6 Panda Cories
- 6 Celebes Rainbows

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