Do These Sound Like Okay Set-Ups And Stocking?

The cories would be better in at least 4 of each species - perhaps selling one species and upping the number to 4 or 5 would be an idea. IMHO though, they both would be better in tanks nearer 30US gallons rather than 23.7 (probably nearer 20 once decor is in).

I have decided to sell at least the Bronzes, I am still thinking about what do with the peppereds, whether to up their numbers to 4 or sell them. I do really like them, and it is great having them in the tank, but I will not do this if they are better off in a bigger tank somewhere else.
I don't know too much about cories in general tbf. I thought 30 gallons was the miminum for peppereds, but a quick google reveals that 15-20 gallons or so is often regarded as the minimum tank size for them. says around 70L and seems to usually be a fairly reliable site. If that's true then I would guess that a group of peppered cories with some female bettas would be fine in a 90L tank.

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