Do Royal, Gold Nuggets Or Bristlenose Plecostomuses Suck On Discus?


Aug 3, 2005
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I'm really looking for a plec, nice and comptabile with discus. Of course, the common ones are known for sucking on Discus, are BNs too, or would they be fine?

What about gold nuggets? or Royals?
The bristlenose shuld be fine.I was asking about suitable plecs to put with discus and was advised that brsitlenoses are fine
Apparently other plecs sometimes develop a liking to the slime that grows on discus but bristlenoses dont
hope this helps
i had 2 bristlenose plecs in with my Discus, but in the end i had to remove them because they kept sticking themselves to the sides of the larger discus.
This is always a problem: Contradictory adivce. I may just decide to keep them by themselves...
This is always a problem: Contradictory adivce. I may just decide to keep them by themselves...

Hi, i didn't want to step on anyones toes i just thought it wise to let you know that from personal experience i wouldn't keep Bristlenose plecs with Discus.

Keeping them on there own is the best option. I know Royal Plecos can be territorial, tough, and do a lot of damage if they wish too. Besides, plecos are so messy and make it that much harder to maintain the pristine water needed for healthy Discus.

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