Do plecs shed skin


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
I was wondering if anyone has ever had one shed its skin iv kept 4 plecs including a breeding pair and they all seem to shed skin i was wondering if this is nomal all though the breeding pair have done this for 3-4 years :dunno: :S

Its not a normal procees I'm affraid :huh:

Have you tested your water when it happens ? it could be ammonia burns :/
ditto, none of my commons, clowns, or bristlenoses have ever could even be a fungus??

i hate how you ask questions and never respond to the replies by the way use the search function, search for your name and pay attention to your posts please.....
Sounds like your fish are suffering from dead scales, which are just falling off.... Usually a sign of bad water conditions.

Plecs DONT shed their skin.... i dont care what you want to tell me :p

I haven't personally had any but I know of many people who have or still currently do. They said that they have never seen this happen.
No plecs do not shed their skin, i have had mine for ages and they have never done it once.
What exactly does it look like? it is posible somthing is amiss in the water which is giving them a bad slime coat reaction; what are your water stats like ammonia/nitrate/nitrite and when was the last time you tested for them?
My plecs dont shed there skin... but they do fart -_- as soon as they fart they swim to the surface :crazy: probably so they dont gas there selfs lol
In 15 years of having one of these finned garbage trucks in my tanks I have never seen them shed. Damaged scales heal, but never shed.

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