Do Pets Remember/recognize Their Owners?

Do YOU think that pet's can Recognize their owners?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Maybe/Don't Know

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My cats definately recognize and prefer me over others. My adult cat even knows the sound of my truck parking in the driveway, people who are indoors when I park in the driveway observe that he races to the front door and starts meowing, but won't do that when others do the same.

I don't think fish recognize specific people, but they do recognize that people are equal to food. :) Some people on this forum say that their fish hides from everyone except for their owners, so even that might be debatable.
I think pets recognize their owners... even some of the smarter fish do. I've had one of my 4 silver dollars for almost a year, and every time I walk into the room, he just lights up. I get scared he'll jump out of the tank sometimes :p and to think, I figured SD's weren't smart :D
I tested this myself, they can recognize a person by sound of voice, apperance, and esspecially by smell. It is quite funny actually to see a dog react to its owner :D

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