Do Not Buy Cheap Fish


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2007
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dundalk ireland
walked into my lfs other day 2 buy melafix and saw plecos were cheap 3 euro each thought was a bargain but it died a day later went back in and they told me they dont have a refunding policy and wen i looked at other fish there were loadsa dead ones and a pleco wit a whole in his head, i bought fish form there before 2 mollies and a pleco and only 1 molly left so i wont be goin there again :angry:
I had the same problem. purchased 5 tiger barbs, 3 red eye tetras. they infested my tank+ other fish with ich and i lost 1 barb to date. the rest are still infected but i'am not wasting my time with medication anymore. it's been 2 weeks and i'm done!
walked into my lfs other day 2 buy melafix and saw plecos were cheap 3 euro each thought was a bargain but it died a day later went back in and they told me they dont have a refunding policy and wen i looked at other fish there were loadsa dead ones and a pleco wit a whole in his head, i bought fish form there before 2 mollies and a pleco and only 1 molly left so i wont be goin there again :angry:

I think the rule here is not that you can't buy cheap fish, it's that you need to actually look in the tank and check what your buying before handing over any money....

the rest are still infected but i'am not wasting my time with medication anymore. it's been 2 weeks and i'm done!

I think it's your dedication I find most admirable....
I'm not too read up on my diseases, but doesn't ich stay alive in the substrate, so you would have to treat it anyway?
I had the same problem. purchased 5 tiger barbs, 3 red eye tetras. they infested my tank+ other fish with ich and i lost 1 barb to date. the rest are still infected but i'am not wasting my time with medication anymore. it's been 2 weeks and i'm done!

You can avoid that happening by putting new fish in a separate tank and watched for a while before putting in with other fish.

It's not hard at all to treat Ich. What have you used and done so far?
I just treated a tank successfully and without any deaths using Rid-Ich+, raising the temperature of the water and daily water changes/gravel vacuuming.

Please don't give up and let your fish just die.
I'm not too read up on my diseases, but doesn't ich stay alive in the substrate, so you would have to treat it anyway?
no, this is a common myth. To this date, I know of know evidence that shows ich has a dormant cycle. Ich does NOT exist in every tank as people may tell you.

Lesson here should be: ALWAYS quarantine new fish as arylvn said. These tanks can be simple 10 gallon tanks with a sponge filter and should be considered a necessity for healthy fish keeping.

i spent the last 2 weeks applying api ich, all my platy's have cleared out but he tiger barbs.
i recently also switched to a jungle 24hr ich medication (in place of the api 48hr) and i've given up i'm sick and tired of dealing with ich! if they do so be it.
i spent the last 2 weeks applying api ich, all my platy's have cleared out but he tiger barbs.
i recently also switched to a jungle 24hr ich medication (in place of the api 48hr) and i've given up i'm sick and tired of dealing with ich! if they do so be it.

Can't comment on those two products, I've never used them. I have used Rid-Ich+ and Nox-Ich before with success.

Did you raise the water temperature? That makes the cycle of Ich go faster.

Did you vacuum the gravel/do water changes daily? That gets rid of the Ich that come off the fish.

I really can't believe your attitude, you're "sick and tired of dealing with ich" so you're just going to let your fish die?? There's a lot to keeping fish, a lot has to be done to keep them healthy. Ich is one of the easiest things to handle. Will you get "sick and tired" of feeding them, doing water changes, testing your water, etc. too?
I've used Mardel's Maracyn and Maracyn II in the past and they've always done well treating diseases. I would suggest you try their Coppersafe though it might be harmful to inverts like snails or shrimp and some plants. They seem to know how to make a proper medication.
come on now. fish at 3euro and alot of the fish in the tank were dead is just asking for trouble... are you
I may not know how much 3euro is but it sounds as if it is a great price. I would of probably purchased them if they looked good. :eek: . Sorry about the fish. :( :-(
I saw full grown Oscars on sale at my fish store for $15 but they had hole-in-head disease... fish are normally on sale for a reason...
That is bad my LFS' would NEVER sell diseased fish, they stick signs on the tanks saying they are in quarantine, they even had loads of oscars and densoii barbs which are quite expensive in quarantine for white spot.

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