Do Nipped Fins Typically Grow Back?


New Member
Jan 24, 2006
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Indianapolis, IN
Had an incedent of fin nipping a little while back that we took care of and treated with Melafix. All is good now, but I'm wondering if the nipped fin will grow back to what is was before.

What's your experience with regrowth?
Yes they do, but over time. Try using salts in your aquarium. And if you have a stress coat type of chem, use it.
Yes they do, but over time. Try using salts in your aquarium. And if you have a stress coat type of chem, use it.
Salt is a good general purpose antiseptic but always bear in mind that its not suitable for all fish and even small amounts can kill certain species.
Yup forgot that. Coy cats and plecos are some senstive species. However, a few days ago a debate whaled on, that you can use salt for them but in small amounts.

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