Do Live Plants Mucky The Water?

I'd be more inclined to change one cartridge more often than two at once less often, just to be on the safe side.
Oops no I mean every two months not 2 cartridges haha that came out different than I meant it.
I have figured out the problem now :blush: one of my filter cartridges was so dirty it was clouding the water on it's way out the filter :blush: oops. I decided to now change 1 of my cartridges every month in s rotation. I have 4 cartridges 2 sponges a ton of ceramics and a bit of floss so I'm sure 1 cartridge per month is fine to change :)
do you have carbon in your filters. as when carbon is old it actually releases all the old crap it caught!
Carbon doesn't release back into the water in a aquarium setting...this is a myth.

Carbon does release in massive Ph swings, we are talking from 3.5 - 8.5 at best, this kind of swing would never happen in a fish tank. Carbon is a brilliant filter media.

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