Do I Need To Change Filters?


New Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Devon, UK
I have a Juwel Rekord 600 which came with the full kit. It's been up and running since October and being a newbie, do I have to change the 3 filters? If so, when and how as it's taken ages to stabilise the water during a fish in cycle.

If I replace them, then I'm thinking that I would have to do this all over again.

I also posted earlier today over on the Tropical Emergencies forum advice on treating white spot as one of my Xray tetras (I only have 6 xray tetras in my tank) appears to be infected, but no advice been posted yet.

I removed the carbon filter when I added the Interpet Anti White Spot treatment this morning which and think these stays out for the time being as I have to add another dose of treatment in 4 days.

Should I add this carbon filter back in or replace with a new one?

Many thanks
What is the filter media that comes with the juwel recford? Carbon needs replacing every 4 weeks but it supposedly only actually works for1 of them weeks :unsure: it will take ages for your water to stabilise as you done a fish in cycle and is more than likely the reason why a fish is ill. Yes leave the carbon out as itwill strip the medican if you have it in and you may aswell replace the carbon with a new 1 as the old carbon won't have any good bacteria on it anyway.

What are the readings from the tests you have been doing lately? Try raising your tank temp aswell, this may help.
What is the filter media that comes with the juwel recford? Carbon needs replacing every 4 weeks but it supposedly only actually works for1 of them weeks :unsure: it will take ages for your water to stabilise as you done a fish in cycle and is more than likely the reason why a fish is ill. Yes leave the carbon out as itwill strip the medican if you have it in and you may aswell replace the carbon with a new 1 as the old carbon won't have any good bacteria on it anyway.

What are the readings from the tests you have been doing lately? Try raising your tank temp aswell, this may help.

Thanks for the advice. I'll replace the carbon filter following the medication instructions when to put back in.

I've been testing ammonia, nitrite and nitrate daily as pH seems to be consistently at 7.6.

2 days ago readings were:

Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5.0

3 days ago this the readings were:

Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0.25
Nitrate 5.0

I did a 50% water change yesterday and tested later in the evening:

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0

I'm slowly upping the temperature at the moment. It's currently 26.1 degrees C and got the light turned off as hear that reduces stress?

I'm in 2 minds whether to syphon out water aiming at the gravel line but unsure having added the treatment that I need to repeat in 4 days.
Actually, its best to change these as little as possible. These 3 little packets will be the home for all your nitrifying bacteria that keep your tank healthy, and changing them would only be throwing away your bacteria that youve worked so hard to grow. If they start to fall apart, i would change one at a time. If they clog up, rinse them in a bucket of tank water. Otherwise, just let them run. They should last well over 4 weeks!

Oh, i forgot to address the medication issue. Carbon is only really good for removing medication, so if you have just medicated the tank and you wish to get the remnants out of the water then yes, you should pop in a new one.
Actually, its best to change these as little as possible. These 3 little packets will be the home for all your nitrifying bacteria that keep your tank healthy, and changing them would only be throwing away your bacteria that youve worked so hard to grow. If they start to fall apart, i would change one at a time. If they clog up, rinse them in a bucket of tank water. Otherwise, just let them run. They should last well over 4 weeks!

Oh, i forgot to address the medication issue. Carbon is only really good for removing medication, so if you have just medicated the tank and you wish to get the remnants out of the water then yes, you should pop in a new one.

+1 I havnt change my Biological and mechanical media for a year. I just rinse them with tank water. The carbon u dont really need in your filter, unless your removing some medication you previously used or to help remove tannins, you can dispose of them after.
Try the water at about 28, the higher the temp plus the medication should pretty much remove white spot, there is always some form of that in your tank. Problem is that your getting ammonia so need to do water changes but that will remove some of the medication. I would say if you have ammonia the you will need to do water changes but you have have to do more than 1 week of treatment.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I'll keep monitoring things and see how it goes. My little tetra is at least showing herself and swimming with the others this morning :)

I didn't know about just rinsing the filters in tank water and carry on using them, so thanks for that tip.

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