So I should be OK light wise then, maybe upgrade to T5's later?
I've been looking at powerheads today and all of them seem lower than what the filter is capable of. Do I need to get a pump as well then?
Light wise you'll be fine as long as you chose your plants right. If you wanted a better growth you could add another T8 tube in there.
Remember, the higher the lighting, the higher demands plants make on CO2, so as a general rule stay under 2WPG if you don't want to get a pressurised CO2 kit. You could add more than 2WPG if you wanted but would have to start letting plants block the light and maybe get some floating plants due to the increased change of algae.
The idea with the extra pumps is to ensure the tank has a minimum rated 10x turnovers per hour.
Due to all the media and manufacturers being enthusiastic about their ratings, it's best not to rely solely on externals unless you are providing more than 10x with them.
Your tank is 240L, so you would need a rated total of 2400l/h and your two new Eheims only give you a
maximum of 1900l/h (much less in reality).
It's not only just about the flowrate either, its important you spread the flowrate out so it doesn't snap plants, and direct it all over the tank so there are no dead spots.
Flowrate isnt the most important thing, many people run excellent planted tanks with a very low flowrate.
But it really does help a lot with fighting off algae IME, and it's highly recommended on plated forums now.
Given the cheap cost of basic powerheads and the benefits they give, they are well worth it. A great quality circulation pump would be around £20, basic ones can be found for around £10.
They also improve filtration as more waste is circulated round the tank into the filters intake.