Do i need a light?

Well, if it was a tank with only fishes, no you don't need light. But since you do have plants, you may need some.

What type of plants do you have?
Why don't you want any lights, is it because of the financial reason? If you pick the right bulbs, not only they are beneficial to plants, fishes look much better as well...

Does the tank get any natural direct/indirect sun light?
Yes lights will definitly help and get some strong bulbs too, ive made the mistake of getting weak ones=dead plants :-(
!guppy! said:
why dont you want a light?! it makes the tank look bout 100% better!!!
I don't necessarily agree with that. I have seen many tanks that look great in the dark. However, if you are keeping plants you should have some light. Depending on the plants you have, some indirect light might be sufficient though.

No lights, I'm not sure if I'd go with. Sometimes you can get really nice effects with dim lights of the right temperature, but no lights? Hmm.... ;)

My 2c worth...
Can you use any light? I have seen and priced the usual hooded type that you see on most peoples tanks, we have a small tank...60cm long, 25cm deep and 25cm high so to spend $70 on such a small tank seems alot. Was thinking maybe to make something myself, any ideas?

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