Hi all. I am new to this forum and to fish keeping. I got a 34L tank in November and fell in love with keeping fish, so about 2 months ago we upgraded to a 180L tank, which is fully cycled now and all of the fish seem happy. We have three corydora julii in the tank and I noticed yesterday that there are tiny little white blobs all over the place! I was immediately thrilled by assuming that they were catfish eggs, but wanted to make sure I shouldn't be concerned it was something more sinister! They aren't clumped together in large groups. There are a couple of spots where we can see 2-4 eggs, but they are mostly lined up along the bottom and sides of the tank. There are also random ones on the driftwood and fake ornaments in the tank.
Should I be expecting tiny little catfish to be sprouting around soon or is there a problem!?
Ah yes, we currently have guppies, platys, mollies, tetras, two species of corydora, and a zebra snail in the tank.
Should I be expecting tiny little catfish to be sprouting around soon or is there a problem!?
Ah yes, we currently have guppies, platys, mollies, tetras, two species of corydora, and a zebra snail in the tank.