Do I Have A Suitable Tank For A Kuhli Loaches?


Rocking a crabshell for a hat.
Jan 22, 2006
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Houston, TX - USA
I would really love to have 6-8 kuhlis if I could. Please give me some guidance. Here's the facts of my tank...
- 30 gallon; 30"W X 12"D X 18"H
- housing 1 bristlenose, 1 sunset gourami, 6 rummynose tetras, and 6 molly fry (biggest one is less than 0.5"; they will be rehomed when all are about 1")
- small pea gravel for substrate; see the below pic with two 1.5" platies (who have now been rehomed as well)
- decor includes slate cave for BN, driftwood, a few live plants, and two fake plants in the back


It should be fine, but consider putting in some sand over the top of the gravel so the Kuhlis can bury themselves as your gravel looks a bit sharp for them. Also, for could add a pile of smooth pebbles so the Kuhils can 'bury' themselves in the pile. But beware as you may not see much of them!
What kind of filter do you have? I cant really tell by the look of that intake I see in the picture. Kuhlis are notorious for getting stuck in filters and chewed up by the moving parts. Make sure you cover all entrances AND exits to the filter before getting any kuhlis. I have had one swim up the waterfall, under the biowheel and into the impeller housing to get killed in the impeller of a HOB. It made a terrible grinding noise in the middle of the night. Quite traumatic.

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