Do I Get A Male Or A Sorority?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
So I’ve had a thought; I’m currently cycling my 7.5 gallon tank at the moment and I was planning on putting a male betta in there. However, I’ve just measured an old tank I have in the garage and it’s 8.8 gallons at least (I didn’t measure the height; but using 12” as standard then it’s 8.8 gallons, if it’s 13” then it’s 9.6 gallons (I’d have to confirm that).

The old tank doesn’t have a lid (but I’d make one – well it does but it’s broken from years of sitting in the garage), and it doesn’t have a light. I can either divide the bigger tank for 2 males (I don’t particularly fancy that idea) OR I could get a sorority of females (say 5).

I’m just wondering what people would recommend (single male or sorority of females), and why?
9gals, I would say you could put 7 females in there,plant it well and all the other usual stuff and you'd be on your way.
A tip for sororities: give them all lots of attention and try to pick out ones who aren't as aggressive if you can, i got 5 leaders; lets just say it didn't end well. Thats about all I can say from my experience. Good luck! :good:
I wouldn't try a sorority in less than 10 gallons. In order to spread out the bullying and mitigate the risk of violence and even deaths the fish need a lot of space and loads of plants and hiding places. I don't think this should be attempted in a small tank. Even in large tanks sororities can end in a bloodbath.
I got 5 (soon to be 6) in my 30ltr planted,all girls carefully chosen. Tip is, small area, more girls but I would go lower than 30ltrs. All my water stats are perfect too :good:
I got 5 (soon to be 6) in my 30ltr planted,all girls carefully chosen. Tip is, small area, more girls but I would go lower than 30ltrs. All my water stats are perfect too :good:

It can work but as I am a member of around 5 betta forums I've heard a far higher proportion of horror stories from people who kept too many bettas in a small tank or too few bettas overall than from those who kept 5-6 in a 45 litre + tank.
I meant 'wouldn't' not 'would' :blush:

I think if you choose wisely and take your time, then you'd be ok. Research, research research :good: or maybe i just got lucky lol
I have 6 girls in my very heavily planted 35litre and there doing great so far :good: as far as choosing a male or females go it's totally up to you why dont you go out and see the fish in the flesh and see which appeals to you more :nod: remember if girls are brown and stressy in the shop tanks they will colour up in time in your tank and also remember that alot of "female" bettas in shops are actually PK males so unless the girls are being bought from a breeder or they are not veiltails (crowntail/ double tail females etc are deffinately females as there is no short finned variant of them) then i'd get a male.
I have 6 girls in my very heavily planted 35litre and there doing great so far :good: as far as choosing a male or females go it's totally up to you why dont you go out and see the fish in the flesh and see which appeals to you more :nod: remember if girls are brown and stressy in the shop tanks they will colour up in time in your tank and also remember that alot of "female" bettas in shops are actually PK males so unless the girls are being bought from a breeder or they are not veiltails (crowntail/ double tail females etc are deffinately females as there is no short finned variant of them) then i'd get a male.

Actually, there ae CTPKs and DTPKs. There are even CTHMPKs. Most reliable is to learn to sex the fish from first principles.
if you can find a really nice male, go for that, if not then get some females :good:
I have 6 girls in my very heavily planted 35litre and there doing great so far :good: as far as choosing a male or females go it's totally up to you why dont you go out and see the fish in the flesh and see which appeals to you more :nod: remember if girls are brown and stressy in the shop tanks they will colour up in time in your tank and also remember that alot of "female" bettas in shops are actually PK males so unless the girls are being bought from a breeder or they are not veiltails (crowntail/ double tail females etc are deffinately females as there is no short finned variant of them) then i'd get a male.

I prefer the look of males but I have a male so I fuigured females would be something different. The most local LFS has a tank full of females and they all seem quite calm, they have some double tails in there too. I'm just not sure what to get lol.

Actually, there ae CTPKs and DTPKs. There are even CTHMPKs. Most reliable is to learn to sex the fish from first principles.

Would you (or someone) be able to show me a pic of a young male vs young female and a young or adult plakat vs a female (I asked this on another forum and got no response). I know what plakats look like, it would just be useful to see a side by side view.

I'll slip you £5 :hyper: if you go for females :lol:

Done lol! I'm still deciding Beth; I would like one of the brothers to your "new" girl; but I want my tank to cycle before I physically buy one.

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