Do hillstream loaches actually need river biotopes?

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Please provide references.

Why==you won't accept them anyway, its a waste of time. Look them up yourself, they are there. Or talk to a biologist instead of the half-wits on YouTube.
I think we are looking at it backwards. My question would be, since it is obvious what adaptations a hillstream loach has for fast water, why would anyone want to keep them in tank set ups where none of what makes them extra interesting mattered?
Somewhere along the line I blocked content from plebian. I can't even remember why but I've only done that twice in all my time on the forum. He/she/they probably doesn't like my postings either, so all's good. I can't comment on what's being fired at you @Byron, but the thread has done its job.
You know who's just as dangerous and misleading? Pedantic know-it-alls like you. Most fish are highly adaptable, otherwise they would soon become extinct. While not perfect, Aquarium Co-op is an excellent source of information. Certainly better than most others. Bad mouthing people for reporting facts that contradict your personal beliefs does nobody any good.
Try keeping goldfish in saltwater or discus in a 68 degree tank and see how adaptable fish are then.
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The strongest drive in all animals including fish is to reproduce to continue the species. This is the basis of evolution, adapting over time to continue the species, and the survival of the fittest. The fish will therefore do everything it can to reproduce no matter what we force upon it. It is not any indication of the well-being of the fish.
Tell that to all the Discus breeders, and every other breeder of tropical fish.
You know who's just as dangerous and misleading? Pedantic know-it-alls like you. Most fish are highly adaptable, otherwise they would soon become extinct. While not perfect, Aquarium Co-op is an excellent source of information. Certainly better than most others. Bad mouthing people for reporting facts that contradict your personal beliefs does nobody any good.
Let's keep the discussion civil here please, name-calling will not be tolerated.

Differences of opinion are fine, but personal attacks are not.

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