Do halfmoons and doubletail bettas get tired of all that tail?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2019
Reaction score
Salem, Oregon
Hi, my betta tank is cycled! It took me 5 weeks, it is just a 5.5 gallon but that was a challenge (maybe because it was just 5.5 gallons)! I had a betta before years ago but he didn't survive the stress of a long move :( Now I was wondering, I love how halfmoons and doubletail bettas look, but I wonder since they didn't have a choice in their full wide tails, is it hard on them? Would I be kinder choosing a veiltail (which are also pretty!) ? I'm not planning to move again soon, and before I didn't know about cycling and now I do, so it should be a lot better.
Hi! The risk with the larger tailed bettas is that they often chew their tails to make them lighter. This is usually seen more in the rosetail though. Both of my rosetails have chewed their tails. However, my double tail has not. He’s as pretty as the day I bought him. Provide tall plants and maybe a floating betta log to give them things to rest in. That helps also. Wishing you the best. Please keep us posted!
If you're looking for a Betta without a big tail then what about a plaket Betta?
I actually love the look of the halfmoon and doubletail bettas, I was just worred that they'd be uncomfortable with their own tail. Hearing that they sometimes chew on their tails makes me worry they'd be uncomfortable, but I do have a floating betta log and tall plants. I am not sure yet, but if I decide it needs to be a shorter tailed one a plakat betta is certainly an option, their tails look like they'd be a lot less uncomfortable.
I think mostly it's out of stress when they start chomping on their tails. 3 of my Bettas have bitten their tails at some point, 2 of them in the shop 1 of which has bitten the top half of his tail quite far down, 1 in the shop but a bit more since he came home. The 2 that only bit in the shop have their tails growing back or grown back. The 3rd also seems to stopped now there's more plants covering his eyeline so hopefully his will start growing back. They're all half moon Bettas.
Jello dude!!!

If you are keepin' a half moon then you need a nice well planted tank with flat rest

Sylvan what kind of betta is that?

I was wondering whether my betta ace is a crown tail a veil tail or a half moon. If its a rose tail that could explain why it's tail is torn. Or it could be because of my three albino tetras. Can ya see my thread ''Turning a tank into a haven''. Thank ya so muck

Love y'all
Good luck!!

Are you from India? If so hello fellow indian!!!
Sylvan what kind of betta is that?

A plaket? Short tailed variety, they still get classed as half moons, comb tailed etc etc but they're short tailed rather than the full flowing tails. Personally I prefer longer tails but I have seen some very nice short tails.
I think I'm going to try to find a delta tail, it's much less risk of them chewing their tails and I like the look of it better than a veil tail. I hope I can find one!

Moony: Sorry I'm not from India, I live in the US in Oregon. Cool that we get people here from all over the world!
My tank is cycled so the water parameters should be ok since I will be doing regular water changes. I went to my LFS and they would see what they could arrange though they couldn't promise. I just would feel so bad getting a betta if he chews his own tail because it's heavy, and my husband would never stop about it!
I tell you, If I were a betta I'd be cutting my tail off, especially after I retired.

I worked in management and have since retired and I only keep my high heels for funerals and weddings. A betta probably feels the same way about his tail. Oh and don't get me started about bra's …….

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