Do Ghost Shrimp Eat Dead Brine Shrimp?

With live food, isn't it supposed to help the betta? And I think a store out here sells brine shrimp, but I'm worried about buying from them since I'm not sure if their live food is contaminated with bacteria or parasites. And the diet would be live BS every morning and Hikari frozen bloodworms every night (which are sterilized according to the package).

(I agree it's a waste of time for one fish, but this will be going for about 7 fish, possibly more if I get more).
There's an article in the latest PFK regarding brine shrimp. It says...

~SW, SG of abour 1.050
~ Foods-
Yeast (I know this is in Sea Monkey food)
Dried rice bran
Green water
Marine liquifry

Most reactions
